Virus and Spyware Removal Guides, uninstall instructions

Politie Nederland Virus

What is Politie Nederland?

The Politie Nederland message is a ransomware security infection developed by Cyber criminals that blocks computer users' screens. Criminals responsible for this scam hope that unsuspecting PC users from the Netherlands will fall for the trickery within the message and pay a bogus fine of 100 Euros.

The deceptive message states that the computer user has committed serious law violations and thus is required to pay the fine. The Netherlands Police has no connection with this message. In fact, neither the Netherlands Police, nor any other authorities, use screen lockers to collect fines for law infringements. Redirect

What is is a website promoted through the Startnow toolbar. This browser add-on was developed by Zugo LTD, a company offering monetization methods using browser add-ons for their clients. This toolbar adds various shortcuts to users' Internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla FireFox), directing users to social networks, eBay, Amazon, etc. Redirect

What is

The website is promoted using malicious software. It is a browser redirect capable of harming your computer's security and invading your privacy. When infected with this redirect virus, your Internet browser settings will be modified; each time you open your Internet browser you will be redirected to sites such as,, etc.

The website appears as a parked domain full of advertisements. Clicking on the links presented in this website could lead to installation of additional malware or unwanted browser add-ons.

Cuerpo Nacional de Policía Virus

What is Cuerpo Nacional de Policía?

Dirección General de la Policía - Cuerpo Nacional de Policía is an authority from Spain, which has no connection with the screen locker displayed in the screenshot below. The message demanding payment of a 100 Euro fine for law infringements is generated by a ransomware infection. This type of infection is used by Cyber criminals to trick PC users into paying bogus fines for fabricated law violations.

The Cuerpo Nacional De Policia screen locker originates from a family of ransomware called Reveton. Cyber criminals responsible for creating this family of screen lockers localize their deceptive messages in order to deliver them in many languages.

Polizia Penitenziaria Virus

What is Polizia Penitenziaria?

Polizia Penitenziaria is a ransomware infection targeting computer users from Italy. This screen locker originates from a family of ransomware called Reveton. This family of rogues is infamous for its capability to localize deceptive messages that lock computer users' desktops.

When infected with this scam, computer users are unable to access their desktops or any installed programs; the only visible element is the fake message, which states that the user has violated copyright and other laws, and thus, must pay a 100 Euro fine in order to unlock the system.

This is a scam. If your PC is locked with such a message, do not pay the fine - you will lose your money and your PC will remain infected.

POLIISI Osasto Tietoverkkorikollisuuden Virus

What is POLIISI Osasto Tietoverkkorikollisuuden?

POLIISI Osasto Tietoverkkorikollisuuden is the name of a legitimate Finnish authority that has no connection with the screen locker shown in the screenshot below. The name of this authority is exploited by cyber criminals in order to make their deceptive screen locker appear authentic.

The message blocks computer users' screens and is fake. It states that your computer is locked because you were using copyrighted content and have committed other law violations. In fact, these are bogus statements and only made to scare computer users into paying a fake 100 Euro fine. This particular screen locker originates from a family of ransomware infections called Reveton.



MINISTÈRE DE L'INTÉRIEUR is the name of a legitimate authority that is being exploited by cyber criminals in order to trick computer users into paying a bogus fine for supposed copyright or other law violations. This fake message specifically targets computer users from France.

Cyber criminals use the name of an authority within a locally-translated deceptive message to scare PC users into paying a 100 Euro fine - supposedly for watching pornography, downloading copyrighted material, etc.

Computer users from France (or anywhere else) should not trust this message, it is a scam. This fake message is a computer security infection called ransomware, and this particular rogue originates from a family called Reveton.

Gesellschaft zur Verfolgung von Urheberrechtsverletzungen Virus

What is Gesellschaft zur Verfolgung von Urheberrechtsverletzungen?

GVU Gesellschaft zur Verfolgung von Urheberrechtsverletzungen (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik) scam is a ransomware infection, which attempts to trick PC users into paying a bogus fine of 100 Euro for supposed copyright law violations. This deceptive message completely locks users' computers and demands payment of the fake fine using Ukash.

This scam originates from a family of ransomware named Reveton and is a widely distributed security threat translated into many languages. This particular ransomware targets PC users from Germany and exploits the name of 'GVU' in order to make the fake message appear authentic. Computer users should ignore this message and not pay the 100 Euro fine under any circumstances.

Norsk Politi Institutt for Cybercrime Virus

What is Norsk Politi Institutt for Cybercrime?

Norsk Politi Institutt for Cybercrime Scam is a security infection originating from a family of ransomware called Reveton. This particular security threat targets computer users from Norway. The Reveton family of ransomware is infamous for its capability to localize deceptive messages, which lock computer users' desktops.

This localization is achieved by detecting computers' IP addresses, and with this this information, the ransomware infection is able to display fake messages translated into local languages. Redirect

What is

The website presents users with a customized Google search engine. Commonly, users are redirected to this website having installed the Claro LTD toolbar on their Internet browsers.

Whilst this website alone is not malicious, its promotion methods are clearly deceptive.The browser add-on is often installed on users' computers as part of free software downloads from the Internet. While not directly malicious, there seems no point in using for your daily Internet searches.


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