Virus and Spyware Removal Guides, uninstall instructions

Windows Prime Shield

What is Prime Shield?

Windows Prime Shield is a fake antivirus program, which employs fake security threats detection to scare unsuspecting PC users into believing that their operating system is infected with high-risk malware. This program is created by cyber criminals who use 'exploit kits', malicious websites, and fake online security scanners in order to distribute this rogue antivirus software.

After successful infiltration, Windows Prime Shield blocks the user's desktop and continually performs fake security scans, which imitate the detection of various security infections. To remove the supposedly-detected malware, this bogus software demands activation of 'ultimate protection' (by purchasing a full version of the software).

Powered by Plus-HD Ads

What is Plus-HD?

Created by Kimahari Software Inc., the Plus-HD browser plugin claims to enhance users' YouTube experience by setting the videos to the highest available quality.

While some computer users may find such functionality useful, in fact, the Plus-HD add-on is categorized as adware or a potentially unwanted application since it infiltrates Internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox) using a deceptive software marketing method called 'bundling'.

Computer users often install Plus-HD inadvertently without their consent when downloading free software.

Windows Prime Booster

What is Prime Booster?

Windows Prime Booster is a fake antivirus program, which uses fake security scans in order to scare PC users into purchasing a useless license key. This rogue program is created by cyber criminals and should not be trusted. Computer users should be aware that none of the security infections supposedly 'identified' by this program actually exist on their systems.

Windows Prime Booster mimics the detection of identical security threats on each computer infiltrated. This bogus software often infects users' operating systems via fake online security scanners in an attempt to trick PC users into downloading the rogue antivirus program.

Immediately following successful infiltration, Windows Prime Booster restarts the operating system and loads automatically on the next system Startup. Virus

What is Gophoto?

The browser add-on claims to enhance users' Internet browsing experience by enabling photo zooming on all major websites, such as Facebook and flickr. This plugin is created by a company called Cool Mirage Ltd and is compatible with Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox.

While on initial inspection this browser extension may appear legitimate, it is categorized as adware or a potentially unwanted program (PUP). installs on Internet browsers without users' consent using a deceptive software marketing method called 'bundling'.

After successful infiltration, this add-on generates intrusive ads and causes browser redirects to the website. Redirect

What is

The browser hijacker was created by Montiera Technologies LTD. This potentially unwanted application installs together with free software downloaded from the Internet using a deceptive software marketing method called 'bundling'.

Usually, the Triple search toolbar infiltrates users' Internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox) without their consent and modifies the Internet browser homepage and default search engine settings - assigning them to

While this browser hijacker may not appear to be a high-risk malware infection, users should be aware that using this website for daily Internet searches is not recommended - it tracks users' Internet browsing activity by recording IP addresses and search queries entered. Furthermore, this website uses a deceptive Internet search engine that returns dubious search results. Virus

What is

The browser hijacker installs together with free software downloaded from the Internet. After successful infiltration, this browser settings-changing adware assigns the user's homepage and default search engine fields to the website.

This site presents users with deceptive ads that lead to privacy-invading websites or malware infections. At time of research, this browser hijacker installed with a free program called Skype Emoticons, however, users should be aware that it may install together with any freeware downloaded from free software download websites.

Today, most free software download websites use 'download clients' - small programs offering installation of additional browser plug-ins together with the chosen freeware. Thus, reckless free software downloading can result in adware infections.

Windows Virtual Protector

What is Virtual Protector?

Windows Virtual Protector is a fake antivirus program, which blocks the users' desktop and reports non existent security infections in order to scare PC users into purchasing the 'full version'. This rogue software is created by cyber criminals who distribute it via infected email messages, malicious or hacked websites, and 'exploit kits'.

After successful infiltration, this bogus program modifies the registry entries of an infected operating system, disables execution of the Task Manager and installed programs, and configures itself to start automatically on each system startup.

To scare PC users into believing that their computers are infected with high-risk malware, Windows Virtual Protector generates various fake security warning messages. Virus

What is

The ' virus' is a term used to describe several browser hijackers, which infiltrate Internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox) using a deceptive software marketing method called 'bundling'.

The Internet search engine employed by this website returns deceptive search results - clicking these can result in adware and malware infections.

At time of testing, this browser hijacker was promoted through the DomaIQ free software 'download client' - a small program used by various freeware download websites. Internet users should be aware that reckless free software downloading can result in installation of the browser hijacker or other potentially unwanted programs (PUPs).

Pro Video Downloader Plugin

What is Pro Video Downloader?

Pro Video Downloader is a potentially unwanted application developed by Data Beat Solutions LLC. The application claims to enhance users' Internet browsing experience by allowing video download from various video sharing websites.

Whilst such added functionality may seem legitimate, Pro Video Downloader is categorized as adware since it installs on Internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox) without users' consent using a deceptive software marketing method called 'bundling'. Commonly, users install this plugin inadvertently with free software downloaded from the Internet.

Nav Links Virus

What is Nav Links?

Nav Links is an advertising platform used by many dubious websites, which promote potentially unwanted programs (PUPs), questionable medicinal products, dating services, etc. This platform is implemented by various browser extension developers in order to monetize their free plugins.

This is not a stand-alone program, and therefore, users who observe Nav Links advertisements (in-text ads) when browsing the Internet should check recently-installed browser add-ons - they are likely to be the cause of these intrusive ads.

Note these ads alone are not categorized as viruses or malware, however, clicking them can cause serious privacy and computer security issues. Commonly, these ads lead to dubious websites, and you are advised not to navigate to these sites.


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