Virus and Spyware Removal Guides, uninstall instructions

Cyclon Gems Virus

What is Cyclon Gems?

The Cyclon Gems (or Context2Pro) browser add-on claims to enhance the Internet browsing experience by displaying coupon ads when users visit online shopping websites. While such functionality may seem legitimate, be aware that the Cyclon Gems add-on is categorized as adware or a potentially unwanted application.

This plug-in infiltrates browsers (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox) through free software downloads using a deceptive software marketing method called 'bundling'. Cyclon Gems also causes diminished browser performance and intrusive ads.

At time of research, this potentially unwanted program (PUP) was distributed using the DomaIQ free software download clients (fake downloads, such as Internet browser updates, hacking tools, etc.)

CoupApp Ads

What is CoupApp?

The CoupApp browser add-on displays various coupon and deals advertisements when users visit online shopping websites and is compatible with Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox. While this added functionality (and potential to save money when shopping online) may seem legitimate, in fact, CoupApp is categorized as adware.

Creators of this browser extension 'bundle' it together with free software, and therefore, most Internet users feel that CoupApp was installed on their computers without consent. Redirect

What is

The website is promoted using the Enhanced-search toolbar. This browser hijacker infiltrates users' Internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox) via free software downloads. Many computer users refer to this toolbar as the Enhanced Search virus or malware.

These negative associations are made since the developers employ a deceptive software marketing method called 'bundling'. The toolbar installs together with free software downloaded from the Internet, thus, most users feel it was installed on their computer without their consent.

Note, that after successful installation, this browser add-on assigns the browser default search engine and homepage settings to Virus

What is

Created by a company called Fried Cookie, the Rocket browser application is based on the Chromium open source project. The start page used by this Internet browser hijacker claims to enhance users' Internet browsing experience by providing quick access to favourite websites, obtaining call notifications, and adding other useful features.

While the Rocket browser may seem a legitimate application, it is categorized as a browser hijacker (since, upon installation, it assigns the browser homepage and default search engine setting to

This browser hijacker infiltrates browsers (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox) using a deceptive software marketing method called 'bundling'. Users commonly install adware inadvertently without their consent when downloading or installing free software.

This browser hijacker is not technically a virus or malware, however, redirects to this site may lead to malware infections (when clicking third party ads displayed within this website). Furthermore, this browser hijacker tracks users' Internet browsing activity by recording IP addresses, referral data, browser types, search terms, and links clicked.

V-Bates Shopper Ads

What is V-Bates Shopper?

Created by Wajamu, the V-Bates Shopper browser add-on claims to enhance users' Internet browsing experience by enabling comparison shopping and displaying special offers when users visit online shopping websites. While such functionality may seem legitimate, be aware that the V-Bates Shopping plugin is categorized as adware or a potentially unwanted application.

The developers of this browser plugin employ a deceptive software marketing method called 'bundling', thus, most computer users install this browser add-on inadvertently without their consent. After successful infiltration, V-Bates Shopper generates intrusive banner, interstitial, full-screen, and text link ads.

DailyOfferService Ads

What is DailyOfferService?

DailyOfferService "Special Offers" are additional ads often displayed below legitimate ads or images appearing on YouTube, Wikipedia, Google, Facebook, and other popular websites.

These websites (excluding Wikipedia) display internal legitimate ads, however, computer users report that they observe many additional unwanted ads (coupons, deals, etc.) as well as legitimate ones. If you notice "Special Offers" ads, your computer is infiltrated with an adware infection.

While this is not a particularly high-risk security threat, it can be distracting to observe unwanted ads, and furthermore, they may lead to inadvertent installation of unwanted software or even malware infections.

InterYield Advertisements

What is InterYield?

InterYield is an advertising platform used by many dubious websites, which promote potentially unwanted programs (PUPs), questionable medicinal products, dating services, etc. This platform is implemented by various browser extension developers in order to monetize their free plugins.

This is not a stand-alone program, and therefore, users who observe InterYield advertisements (in-text, pop-up, or full-page ads) when browsing the Internet, should check recently-installed browser add-ons - they are likely to be the cause of these intrusive ads.

Note, these ads alone are not categorized as viruses or malware, however, clicking them can cause serious privacy and computer security issues. Commonly, these ads leads to dubious websites - you are advised not to navigate to these sites.

PureLeads Virus

What is PureLeads?

The PureLeads is a potentially unwanted application, which generates coupon and deals ads when Internet users visit online shopping websites such as eBay, Amazon, Walmart, etc. This program is compatible with Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firexox.

Whilst savings on purchases made online may seem beneficial, many computer users refer to PureLeads as adware, spyware, or a virus. These negative associations are made since this browser add-on is a potentially unwanted application, which installs on users' computers without their consent.

Trusted Shopper Virus

What is Trusted Shopper?

Created by Squeaky Chocolate Inc, the Trusted Shopper browser add-on claims to enhance users' Internet browsing experience by displaying coupon ads when visiting online shopping websites. While this functionality may seem legitimate, be aware that the Trusted Shopper add-on is categorized as adware or a potentially unwanted application.

This plugin infiltrates browsers (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox) through free software downloads and a deceptive software marketing method called 'bundling'.

It also causes diminished browser performance and intrusive ads. At time of research, this potentially unwanted program (PUP) was distributed using Install Brain, DomaIQ, and other free software 'download clients'. Redirect

What is

The website presents users with a search bar and various links to other popular websites such as Facebook, Gmail, Twitter, etc. The Search bar employed within uses a customized Yahoo search engine returning legitimate search results.

Alone, this website appears legitimate, however, its creators use a deceptive promotion method, and many computer users report that they visit this website unwillingly (redirect issue).

Redirects to are a consequence of reckless free software installation of an unwanted Internet browser extension, which self-installs itself together with freeware downloaded from the Internet. This unwanted browser add-on is called 22find and is installed on the Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome browsers.


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