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What is

Developed by a company of the same name, is presented as a legitimate Internet search website.

Many users believe that this web page is legitimate, however, they are unaware that is promoted using bogus software 'installers' that modify Internet browser settings without users' permission. Furthermore, this site tracks Internet browsing activity and gathers various types of system/user data.

BrowserMaintainace Adware

What is BrowserMaintainace?

BrowserMaintainace is a deceptive application claiming to enhance the Internet browsing experience. By giving fake promises to enable useful features, BrowserMaintainace often tricks users into believing that it is legitimate. In fact, BrowserMaintainace continually monitors users' Internet browsing activity and delivers intrusive online advertisements.

Furthermore, it often infiltrates systems without users’ permission, and for these reasons, it is categorized as a potentially unwanted adware-type program (PUP). Redirect

What is claims to be a legitimate Internet search website. Initially, it might appear useful, however, this site is promoted using deceptive software 'installers' that modify browser settings without permission, and is thus, categorized as a browser hijacker.

Once the system is infiltrated, users suffer from continual unwanted browser redirects. Furthermore, this site gathers various information relating to Internet browsing activity.

Ads by BoBrowser

What is BoBrowser?

Created by ClaraLabs, BoBrowser is a dubious application claiming to be a regular Internet browser. On initial inspection, BoBrowser may seem to be a legitimate and useful application, however, be aware that BoBrowser is categorized as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) or adware.

These associations are made due to a deceptive software marketing method called 'bundling' (stealth installation of additional programs together with the chosen software) employed by BoBrowser to install on Internet browsers without users' consent. Following successful infiltration, BoBrowser tracks users' Internet browsing activity and delivers intrusive online advertisements. Redirect

What is is presented as a legitimate web page that supposedly provides users with the latest social media articles. On initial inspection, this website may seem legitimate, however, be aware, that it is promoted using deceptive software 'installers' that stealthily modify web browser settings.

For this reason, it is categorized as a browser hijacker. Note that collects various software and hardware information relating to Internet browsing activity.

Ads by ViperDJ

What is ViperDJ?

ViperDJ is presented as multi-functional sound mixing software - "ViperDJ is one of the most intuitive and simplest mixing programs you have ever tried. It has a clear and robust interface and multiple useful functions." 

On initial inspection, this app may seem legitimate, however, be aware that ViperDJ often infiltrates systems without users’ permission, generates intrusive online ads, and continually monitors Internet browsing activity. Therefore, it is categorized as a potentially unwanted adware-type program (PUP).

Astro Find Ads

What is Astro Find?

Astro Find is a deceptive application created by SuperWeb LLC. According to the developers, this app improves the Internet browsing experience by delivering coupons, displaying special deals/discounts available on shopping websites, enabling comparison shopping, and by providing other similar functionality - "We're passionate about improving web by providing the best tools to enhance the browsing experience, from searching the web to comparing online deals to find the best prices. We've combined all of our great ideas into the Astro Find product suite, a FREE set of tools that work to make your browsing experience... better!" 

Astro Find generates intrusive online advertisements and continually monitors users' Internet browsing activity. Therefore, although it may seem a legitimate application, it is categorized as a potentially unwanted adware-type program (PUP). In addition, Astro Find infiltrates systems without users’ permission.

Ads by VAFMusic

What is VAFMusic?

VAFMusic claims to be a legitimate music player that supposedly allows users to listen to music free of charge - "VAFMusic is an outstanding and modern music player. With VAFMusic you will be able to download over 10,000 song tracks and you will also have a possibility to listen all kinds of music for free!" 

Many users believe VAFMusic to be legitimate and useful software, however, this app is categorized as adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP). There are three main reasons for these negative associations: stealth installation without users' consent, tracking of Internet browsing activity, and display of intrusive online advertisements.

Apps Hat Adware

What is Apps Hat?

Apps Hat is presented as an application allowing users to download or buy various Android applications with huge discounts - "Apps hat is the cool new Android app store that helps you discover hot new apps, both free and discounted."

These false claims often trick users into believing that Apps Hat is a legitimate app that provides valuable functionality, however, it is categorized as adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP).

There are a number of reasons for these negative associations: stealth installation without users' permission, display of intrusive online ads, and continual tracking of Internet browsing activity.

MediaPlayerVideoz Adware

What is MediaPlayerVideoz?

MediaPlayerVideoz is a bogus application identical to MediaPlayerVideos, MediaPlayVid, Media Player Enhance, and several other apps. It is presented as a legitimate program that supposedly improves the online video experience.

On initial inspection, this app may seem legitimate and useful, however, be aware that MediaPlayerVideoz infiltrates systems without users’ permission, generates intrusive ads, and tracks Internet browsing activity. This app is categorized as adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP).


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