Virus and Spyware Removal Guides, uninstall instructions Redirect

What is Wallpaper Homepage?

Mindspark Interactive Network presents Wallpaper Homepage as a legitimate application that supposedly allows users to customize their browser homepages by adding various backgrounds. Be aware, however, that this app often infiltrates systems without users’ permission.

Furthermore, it modifies web browser (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox) settings and tracks Internet browsing activity. Redirect

What is is presented as an Internet search website that supposedly allows users to find their favorite movies and TV series.

On initial inspection, this web page might appear legitimate and useful, however, be aware that is promoted using deceptive software 'installers' that stealthily modify Internet browser settings without users’ permission. Furthermore, this site tracks Internet browsing activity and gathers various types of user/system data. Redirect

What is is presented as a legitimate Internet search website, however, be aware that this site is promoted using deceptive software installers that stealthily modify Internet browsers' settings. Furthermore, this site continually tracks Internet browsing activity.

Advanced Calendar Adware

What is Advanced Calendar?

Developed by Wisemana, the Advanced Calendar application (supposedly) provides various calendar-related functions - "Advanced Calendar More convenient calendar updates." 

At first glance, this application may seem legitimate and useful, however, be aware that Advanced Calendar is classed as adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP). After stealth installation without users' permission, this app monitors users' Internet browsing activity and generates various intrusive online advertisements. Redirect

What is

My Classifieds XP is a browser-hijacking application identical to My SpeedTest XP, My Television XP, My Games XP, and several other PUPs. 

This app is promoted using deceptive software installers that 'bundle' third party apps. After stealthily infiltrating the system, My Classifieds XP modifies web browser settings, generates intrusive online advertisements, diminishes browser/operating system performance, and tracks/records Internet browsing activity.

Ads by DailyWiki

What is DailyWiki?

DailyWiki is presented as a legitimate application that provides various 'useful features', however, be aware that DailyWiki continually delivers intrusive online advertisements. Furthermore, it infiltrates the system and tracks Internet browsing activity. For this reason, DailyWiki is categorized as adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP).

REWINUP Cinema Adware

What is REWINUP Cinema?

REWINUP Cinema is a deceptive application that supposedly allows users to watch various movies and television series - "WINUP Cinema is the best way to find and play your favorite movies and series." On initial inspection, this app might appear legitimate and useful, however, REWINUP Cinema is categorized as adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP).

This is due to REWINUP Cinema's behavior, which includes stealth installation, tracking of Internet browsing activity, and display of intrusive online advertisements. Redirect

What is is presented as a legitimate Internet search website. On initial inspection, this web page does not differ from other regular sites, however, be aware that the developers promote using deceptive software 'installers' that hijack Internet browsers and modify settings without users' permission. In addition, this site continually tracks Internet browsing activity.

FavGenius Adware

What is FavGenius?

FavGenius is a dubious browser extension that supposedly provides link bookmarking functionality - "You visited a webpage and then closed it, and now you want to revisit it, but can’t remember the page? Simply save the webpage you want to revisit for later use with this useful tool!" 

Many users believe that this add-on is legitimate and useful, however, FavGenius generates intrusive online advertisements and continually monitors Internet browsing activity. Thus, it is categorized as a potentially unwanted adware-type program (PUP) that infiltrates systems without users’ permission.

Ads by Simple New Tab

What is Simple New Tab?

According to the developers, Simple New Tab is a legitimate browser add-on allowing users to modify the browser new tab URL option - "Allows you to customize the new tab URL. Click the options to change the URL. This extension allows you to customize the new tab URL." 

This functionality might seem useful, however, be aware that Simple New Tab is classed as adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP). One of the main reasons for these negative associations is the display of intrusive online advertisements, followed by tracking of Internet browsing activity. Furthermore, this PUP infiltrates systems without users’ permission.


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