Virus and Spyware Removal Guides, uninstall instructions Redirect

What is is a rogue site identical to,,, and many others. This website redirects to other dubious sites. In most cases, users visit inadvertently - they are redirected by intrusive ads (displayed by other sites), and potentially unwanted programs (PUPs).

Research shows that many PUPs infiltrate systems without consent and, in addition to redirects, deliver intrusive ads and gather sensitive data.

Mac Space Reviver Unwanted Application (Mac)

What is Mac Space Reviver?

Mac Space Reviver is a deceptive application that supposedly allows users to remove all duplicate files and, therefore, save disk space. Initially, this functionality may seem legitimate and useful, however, Mac Space Reviver is a potentially unwanted program (PUP) that infiltrates systems without permission. Redirect

What is

Identical to,,, and many others, is a rogue website designed to redirect to various other dubious website. Users often visit inadvertently - they are redirected by potentially unwanted programs (PUPs).

Research shows that these programs typically infiltrate systems without permission. In addition, they deliver various advertisements, diminish system performance, and gather various information.

PLANETARY Ransomware


First discovered by malware security analyst, Lawrence Abrams, PLANETARY is an updated variant of another high-risk ransomware called HC7. A feature of this malware is that criminals spread it manually. They hijack computer networks remotely and install malware on all connected computers.

Immediately after infiltration, PLANETARY encrypts most of the stored files and adds the ".PLANETARY" extension to the name of each encrypted file. For instance, "sample.jpg" is renamed to "sample.jpg.PLANETARY". From this point, using files becomes impossible. Following successful encryption, PLANETARY places a text file ("RECOVER.txt") on the desktop.

Microsoft Edge Critical ERROR Scam

What is Microsoft Edge Critical ERROR?

Similar to Security Update Error, Microsoft Corporation HAS BLOCKED YOUR PC, Your Data Is At A Serious Risk, and many others, "Microsoft Edge Critical ERROR" is a fake error message displayed by a malicious website. Research shows that users are redirected to this site by various potentially unwanted programs (PUPs).

Research also shows that most of these PUPs infiltrate systems without consent. Potentially unwanted programs cause redirects, diminish system performance, generate 'malvertising' ads, and gather private data.

Minr Virus

What is Minr?

Minr is a Monero cryptocurrency-mining service similar to Coinhive, Crypto-Loot, and CoinImp. As with these examples, Minr's service is legitimate - it provides web developers with a JavaScript API that can be embedded into a website. When entering a site, the user's computer resources are used to mine Monero.

Some web developers, however, become greedy and start to abuse Minr. They do not notify users that their systems are being used to mine and do not limit the use of system resources. In this way, they utilize up to 100% of system resources without users' consent.

We Have Detected A Serious Security Problem Scam (Mac)

What is We Have Detected A Serious Problem?

Similar to Immediately Call Apple Support, MAC OS Is Infected With Viruses, AppleCare And Warranty, and many others, "We Have Detected A Serious Problem" is a fake error message displayed by malicious sites.

Users typically visit these sites inadvertently - they are redirected by PUPs (potentially unwanted programs) or intrusive advertisements delivered by other dubious sites. PUPs generally infiltrate systems without permission. In addition to causing redirects, they gather sensitive information and deliver intrusive ads. Redirect

What is

Identical to,,, and many others, is a rogue website designed to redirect users to various other suspicious sites. Research shows that many users visit without their consent - they are redirected by potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) or intrusive advertisements displayed by other dubious sites.

In addition, potentially unwanted programs typically infiltrate systems without permission and, as well as causing redirects, gather sensitive data and deliver intrusive ads.

CoinImp Virus

What is CoinImp?

CoinImp is a crypto mining service similar to Coinhive and Crypto-Loot. This service essentially provides web developers with a JavaScript API that can be applied to any website. The CoinImp script is designed to employ visitors' computers to mine Monero cryptocurrency.

The CoinImp service and idea behind it are legitimate, however, some developers have no bounds and abuse CoinImp to the detriment of users' web browsing experience.

Comcast Cable Warning Alert Scam

What is Comcast Cable Warning Alert?

"Comcast Cable Warning Alert" is another fake error similar to Do Not Ignore This Windows Alert, Code 055BCCAC9FEC, Microsoft Warning Alert, and many others. This error is displayed by malicious sites that users often visit inadvertently - they are redirected by intrusive advertisements (displayed by other dubious sites) or potentially unwanted programs (PUPs).

Research shows that PUPs infiltrate systems without permission and, as well as causing redirects, deliver intrusive ads, gather sensitive information, and run unwanted processes.


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