Virus and Spyware Removal Guides, uninstall instructions Redirect

What is

My Utility Box is a deceptive app that supposedly provides quick access to a number of other utility applications such as calculator, translator, planning tools, and so on. Judging on appearance alone, may seem legitimate and useful, however, this app usually infiltrates systems without permission.

In addition, it promotes a fake Internet search engine and continually gathers various sensitive data. For these reasons, My Utility Box is categorized as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and a browser hijacker. Redirect

What is

Easy To Watch TV is a deceptive application that supposedly allows users to watch TV via the Internet. Judging on appearance alone, Easy To Watch TV may seem legitimate and useful, however, this potentially unwanted program (PUP) typically infiltrates systems without permission and continually gathers sensitive information.

Furthermore, Easy To Watch TV is categorized as a browser hijacker - a form of software that modifies web browser options without permission.

BlackRuby2 Ransomware

What is BlackRuby2?

BlackRuby2 is an updated version of BlackRuby ransomware and based on another high-risk ransomware infection called InfiniteTear. Immediately after infiltration, BlackRuby2 encrypts stored files and renames them using the "Encrypted[random_characters_and_digits].BlackRuby2" pattern.

For example, "1.jpg" might be renamed to a filename such as "Encrypted_096irGuSuSZmf0RYFJSXPCLOaodea60zYzkXaX.BlackRuby2". After successfully encrypting files, BlackRuby2 creates a text file ("HOW-TO-DECRYPT-FILES.txt") and places a copy in each existing folder.

Stinger Ransomware

What kind of malware is Stinger?

Discovered by malware security researcher, Jakub Kroustek, Stinger is a ransomware-type virus that, once infiltrated, encrypts most stored files and adds the ".Stinger" extension to the name of each encrypted file.

For example, "sample.jpg" is renamed to "sample.jpg.Stinger". Following successful encryption, Stinger creates a text file ("About .Stinger unlocking instructions.txt") and places a copy in each existing folder.

Unlock92 Ransomware [Updated]

What is Unlock92?

Unlock92 is a ransomware-type virus identical to Kozy.Jozy. After system infiltration, unlock92 employs the RSA-2048 asymmetric algorithm to encrypt various files (for example, pptx, .rar, .jpg, etc.) stored on computers. After successful file encryption, Unlock92 modifies the desktop wallpaper with an image containing a ransom demand message.

This ransomware adds ".[random]@LOCKED", ".cdrpt", ".block", ".kukaracha", ".blocked", ".CRRRT" or ".CCCRRRPPP" extensions to each encrypted file. Redirect

What is

Convert That PDF is a deceptive application developed by Spigot, claiming to allow conversion of various file formats to PDF and vice versa. Initially, this functionality may appear legitimate and useful, however, Convert That PDF is categorized as a browser hijacker and a potentially unwanted program (PUP).

There are three main reasons for these negative associations: 1) stealth installation without users' consent; 2) modification of web browser settings, and; 3) tracking of users' Internet browsing activity.

MAC OS Is Infected With Viruses POP-UP Scam (Mac)

What is MAC OS Is Infected With Viruses?

"MAC OS Is Infected With Viruses" is a fake error message displayed by a malicious website. Users often visit this website inadvertently, since they are redirected by potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) that infiltrate systems during installation of regular apps ("bundling" method).

As well as causing redirects, PUPs also deliver intrusive online advertisements and collect personal information.

Windows Is Resetting Itself POP-UP Scam

What is Windows Is Resetting Itself?

"Windows Is Resetting Itself" is a regular fake error similar to Comcast Cable Warning Alert, Do Not Ignore This Windows Alert, VIRUS ALERT FROM MICROSOFT, and many others. This error message is displayed by various malicious sites that users often visit inadvertently.

They are redirected by potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) or intrusive ads delivered by other malicious sites. Research shows that, in most cases, potentially unwanted programs infiltrate systems without permission. As well as causing unwanted redirects, PUPs deliver intrusive ads, gather sensitive data, and even run unwanted background processes.

Zenis Ransomware

What is Zenis?

Discovered by MalwareHunterTeam, Zenis is another ransomware-type virus that, once infiltrated, encrypts most stored files. During encryption, Zenis renames files using the "Zenis-[2_random_characters].[12_random_characters]" filename pattern.

For example, "sample.jpg" might be renamed to a filename such as "Zenis-OX.4XAs5iEEpI8I". Following successful encryption, Zenis creates an HTML file ("Zenis-Instructions.html") placing a copy in every existing folder.

Call Windows Help Desk Immediately Scam

What is "Call Windows Help Desk Immediately"?

"Call Windows Help Desk Immediately" is a fake error message displayed by a malicious website. This is a technical support scam.

Users often visit such websites inadvertently - they are redirected by potentially unwanted adware-type programs (PUPs). These applications infiltrate systems without consent. As well as causing unwanted redirects, this type of adware delivers intrusive online advertisements and continually tracks users' Internet browsing activity.


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