Virus and Spyware Removal Guides, uninstall instructions Redirect

What is is a deceptive website that claims to enhance the web browsing experience by generating the most relevant search results and providing quick access to various popular websites such as YouTube, Facebook, Netflix, etc. Judging by appearance alone, this site may seem similar or identical to Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

Thus, many users believe that is a legitimate website, whereas it is promoted using dubious 'installer' set-ups that hijacker web browsers. Furthermore, this website continually collects information regarding users' web browsing activity. Redirect

What is

Developers present Get Speed Tracker as a legitimate application that allows users to test their Internet connection performance.

This functionality may seem legitimate and useful, however, users are often tricked into downloading and installing Get Speed Tracker. In fact, this potentially unwanted program (PUP) infiltrates systems without users’ permission. Furthermore, it gathers various information and promotes a fake Internet search engine. Redirect

What is

Smart Search is a deceptive app that claims to find the most accurate Internet search results. Initially, this app may appear legitimate and useful, however, this is a potentially unwanted program (PUP) that infiltrates systems without permission and continually gathers information relating to web browsing activity.

Furthermore, Smart Search is categorized as a browser hijacker - a form of software that modifies Internet browser settings without users’ permission. Redirect

What is is another fake web search engine that supposedly enhances the web browsing experience by generating improved results. Research shows that developers promote this site via several applications/browser plug-ins, including GamesFinder Search, myMoviesCenter Search, and MusicFinder Search.

These browser hijackers offer useful features, however, rather than providing any real value, potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) and modify web browser settings and  continually gather various information. Redirect

What is

MemeTab is a deceptive application that supposedly allows users to generate various memes directly from their browser homepages.

These claims often trick users into believing that MemeTab is a legitimate and useful application. In fact, it is categorized as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and a browser hijacker. There are three main reasons for these negative associations: 1) stealth installation without users' consent; 2) promotion of a fake web search engine, and; 3) tracking of web browsing activity.

You Are Using An Older Version Of Chrome Scam

What is "You Are Using An Older Version Of Chrome"?

Similar to Firefox Requires A Manual Update, "You Are Using An Older Version Of Chrome" is a fake warning message displayed by malicious websites. Users often visit these sites inadvertently. This scam campaign is labeled as SocGholish.

Research shows that cyber criminals hijack poorly-protected, yet legitimate, websites and inject them with scripts that redirect to other sites displaying the "You Are Using An Older Version Of Chrome" warning. In this way, users attempt to reach legitimate sites, but end up visiting malicious ones.

This technique is quite uncommon, since users are typically redirected to scam sites by intrusive advertisements (displayed by malicious web pages) or unwanted programs.

GPGQwerty Ransomware

What is GPGQwerty?

Discovered by malware security researcher, Michael Gillespie, GPGQwerty is a ransomware-type virus that, once infiltrated, encrypts most stored files. During encryption, GPGQwerty appends filenames with the ".[random_numbers].qwerty" extension.

For example, "sample.jpg" is renamed to a filename such as "sample.jpg.[19623].qwerty". Following successful encryption, the virus places a text file ("README_DECRYPT.txt") on the desktop. This file contains a ransom-demand message.

You've Been Selected To Participate In A Survey Scam

What is You Have Been Selected To Participate In A Survey?

"You Have Been Selected To Participate In A Survey" is a scam message presented by various websites. Research shows that users typically encounter this message against their will having been redirected by potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) or intrusive ads displayed by malicious sites.

PUPs often infiltrate systems without permission and, as well as causing redirects, deliver annoying advertisements, gather sensitive information, and even misuse system resources to run unwanted background processes.

Amazon Gift Card Scam

What kind of scam is "Amazon Gift Card"?

"Amazon Gift Card" is a generic name for scam messages displayed by malicious websites. In most cases, users visit these sites inadvertently - they are redirected by intrusive advertisements (displayed by other dubious sites) or rogue applications.

Research shows that rogue apps often infiltrate systems without permission and, as well as causing redirects, deliver intrusive advertisements, gather private information, and run unwanted processes in the background.

You Have Won A Google Gift Scam

What is "You Have Won A Google Gift"?

"You Have Won A Google Gift" is a scam message displayed by malicious websites. Research shows that users typically visit these sites inadvertently - they are redirected by potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) or intrusive advertisements (e.g., pop-ups) displayed by other dubious sites.

Note that potentially unwanted programs are likely to infiltrate systems without permission. As well as causing redirects, PUPs are also known to deliver intrusive advertisements, record sensitive information, and misuse system resources to run unwanted background processes.


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