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Discount Dragon Adware

What is Discount Dragon?

Discount Dragon is a browser add-on created by 215 Apps (Innovative Apps) that claims to save time and money whilst shopping online. This browser extension displays coupon ads when Internet users visit online shopping websites such as Toys R Us, Walmart, Petsmart, Best Buy, etc.

Discount Dragon is compatible with Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla FireFox. Note that while this browser plug-in may appear legitimate, in fact it is categorised as adware. This browser add-on often installs on users' computers without their consent, and furthermore, may cause diminished Internet browser performance and privacy-related issues.



The ΤΜΗΜΑ ΑΣΦΑΛΕΙΑΣ message blocks computer screens demanding payment of a 100 Euro fine for alleged law violations. This is a scam. This deceptive message is a ransomware infection designed to trick unsuspecting PC users (predominantly from Greece) into paying a bogus fine using Ukash or PaySafeCard.

The text within this message states that the user is required to pay a fine for watching pornography or downloading and distributing copyrighted content. This particular ransomware originates from a family called Reveton and infiltrates users' computers using any detected security vulnerabilities.

Savings Assistant Coupon Ads

What is Savings Assistant?

Savings Assistant is a browser extension which displays coupon ads when Internet users visit online shopping websites. This browser add-on is created by 215 Apps (Innovative Apps) and promises to save time and money when shopping online. This browser plug-in is compatible with Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla FireFox.

On initial inspection, Savings Assistant may appear legitimate, however, is categorized as adware since many computer users report that this browser extension installed on their Internet browsers without their consent. Furthermore, this add-on causes diminished Internet browser performance and may lead to privacy issues.

Latvijas Valsts Policija Virus

What is Latvijas Valsts Policija?

The Latvijas Valsts Policija message blocks computer screens demanding payment of a 50 LVL or 100 Euro fine. This is a scam, a ransomware infection, which attempts to trick unsuspecting PC users (predominantly from Latvia) into paying a bogus fine for supposed law violations.

Neither Latvijas Valsts Policija nor any other international authority or organization use such messages to collect fines for any law violations. Notice that paying this fine using Ukash or PaySafeCard services is equivalent to sending your money to cyber criminals.



The KOMENDA GŁÓWNA POLICJI message states that the system has been blocked ("komputer jest zablokowany") due to the user watching pornography or downloading copyrighted files (music, video, etc.)

This is a scam, a ransomware infection created by cyber criminals whose main purpose is to use this screen locker to trick unsuspecting PC users (predominantly from Poland) into paying a bogus 100 Euro (or 500 PLN) fine. Paying this fine is equivalent to sending your money to cyber criminals.

The ransomware originates from a family of screen lockers called Reveton and it demands payment of the bogus fine using the Ukash or PaySafeCard pre-paid card services. The message exploits the name and graphics of KOMENDA GŁÓWNA POLICJI.

Download Savings Coupon Ads

What is Download Savings?

Download Savings is a browser extension, which displays coupon ads when users visit online shopping websites. Created by 215 Apps (Innovative Apps), it is compatible with Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla FireFox.

Internet users should be aware that this browser add-on cannot be trusted - the creators are known to be related to Yontoo and "ads not by this site" adware. Moreover, 215 Apps create browser extensions such as Download Savings on an almost daily basis in order to avoid detection by legitimate antivirus and anti-spyware programs.

Other issues with Download Savings include diminished browser performance and possible privacy-related issues. The most common source of this adware is free software downloaded from the Internet.

Coupon Caddy Pop-up Ads

What is Coupon Caddy?

Coupon Caddy is a browser add-on displaying coupon ads when users visit online shopping websites such as Expedia, Best Buy, Walmart, Newegg, etc. This browser plug-in is created by 215 Apps (Innovative Apps) and is compatible with Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla FireFox.

Whilst on initial inspection this browser extension may seem legitimate, it is categorized as adware since it installs on users' computers without their consent together with free software downloaded from the Internet. Moreover, its developers are known to be related to other adware products including Yontoo and Ads not by this site.

AVASoft Antivirus Professional

What is AVASoft Antivirus Professional?

AVASoft Antivirus Professional is a rogue antivirus program, which imitates genuine antivirus software in an attempt to trick unsuspecting PC users into purchasing a useless license key. This bogus program mimics the scanning of users' computers for security threats and then generates a large list of supposedly 'detected' malware and viruses.

This deceptive behavior is implemented by cyber criminals in order to coerce PC users into purchasing the bogus license key. Note that none of the malware and viruses reported by AVASoft Antivirus Professional actually exist - the program has no virus definition database or any other features required of legitimate security software.

Deal Spy Adware

What is Deal Spy?

Deal Spy is an unwanted browser add-on (a plug-in), which, when installed, displays coupon and deal ads on online shopping websites. This browser add-on is developed by 215 Apps (Innovative Apps) and known to cause unwanted ads, diminished browser performance, and privacy issues.

Moreover, many computer users report that Deal Spy was installed on their computers without their consent, a situation that may occur due to this potentially unwanted program (PUP) being distributed using a deceptive marketing method called 'bundling'.

Deal Vault

What is Deal Vault?

Deal Vault (or DealVault) is a browser add-on developed by 215 Apps (Innovative Apps) and is compatible with Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla FireFox. This browser plug-in promises to save time and money whilst shopping online by displaying coupon ads.

Internet users who install this browser extension observe coupon and deals ads when visiting Expedia, Walmart, eBay, Amazon, and other popular online shopping websites.

While Deal Vault may appear legitimate and useful, many computer users report that this browser add-on was installed on their Internet browser/s without their consent. Moreover, 215 Apps is known to develop browser add-ons, which display unwanted ads and may cause computer security and privacy-related issues.


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