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Ads by Unfollow Alert

What is Unfollow Alert?

According to the developers (Bold Development), the Unfollow Alert app notifies users when someone 'unfollows' them on Twitter - "Unfollow Alert is a downloadable app that connects to your Twitter account and allows you to check the status of your followers."

This functionality may trick some users into believing that Unfollow Alert is a legitimate application, however, this app is categorized as adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP). Unfollow Alert usually infiltrates the system without users' permission. Furthermore, it displays various advertisements and monitors Internet browsing activity.

Unfriend Review Adware

What is Unfriend Review?

Unfriend Review presents itself as a legitimate app which, according to the developers, notifies users when someone 'unfriends' them on Facebook - "Want to See Who Unfriended You? With Facebook Unfriend Review, your life may never be the same."

The features offered may trick some users into believing that this application is trustworthy and useful, however, due to its rogue behavior, Unfriend Review is categorized as adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP). Unfriend Review infiltrates computers without users' consent, displays intrusive online advertisements, and tracks Internet browsing activity. Redirect

What is

The browser hijacker installs on Internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox) together with software downloaded from freeware download websites. This rogue website is developed by Conduit Ltd and operated by ClientConnect Ltd.

The hijacker employs a deceptive software marketing method called 'bundling', which allows the developers to stealthily distribute their applications together with other software.

Therefore, most users inadvertently install this browser hijacking application (capable of modifying browser homepage and default search engine settings) during download of free software from freeware download websites.

Be aware that most popular freeware download websites employ 'download clients' as free services and traffic monetization tools, since they offer installation of promoted (according to the developers '100% legitimate and virus-free') browser extensions together with the chosen free software.

Thus, reckless download and installation of freeware frequently results in adware or malware infections such as

FilesFrog Adware

What is FilesFrog?

Developed by Somoto Ltd, the FilesFrog application supposedly notifies users of updates available for any installed software - "FilesFrog is a software update checker that keeps all your desktop software up to date. It was created to make it easier for you to be informed of newer versions of your favorite software and to make the entire process of transitioning to it simpler and faster."

These claims are merely attempts to give the impression of legitimate and useful software. In fact, FilesFrog is categorized as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and adware. After stealthily infiltrating the system, FilesFrog monitors installed software status and displays update messages. Redirect

What is is a deceptive website claiming to enhance the Internet search experience by displaying advanced results. Initially, this functionality may seem legitimate and useful, however, this website is categorized as a browser hijacker and a potentially unwanted program (PUP).

After stealthily infiltrating the system, modifies browser settings, potentially displays intrusive online ads, and collects personally identifiable information.

Unfriend Monitor Adware

What is Unfriend Monitor?

According to the developers, Unfriend Monitor is a legitimate app that notifies users when someone 'unfriends' them on Facebook - "Find out what Facebook is not telling you and see who your real friends are with Unfriend Monitor. With the alerts, you will be notified when someone has unfriended you.".

This functionality may seem legitimate and useful, however, Unfriend Monitor is categorized as adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP). The main reason for these negative associations is the dubious behavior exhibited by this adware. Unfriend Monitor stealthily installs without users' consent, tracks Internet browsing activity, and delivers intrusive advertisements.

Ads by Unfriend List

What is Unfriend List?

The Unfriend List application supposedly warns users when someone 'unfriends' them on Facebook - "See Who Unfriended You. With Facebook Unfriend List. Because knowing who your friends are is just as important as who aren't your friends."

These claims may trick some users into believing that Unfriend List is a legitimate and useful application, however, it is classed as adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP). Following successful infiltration, Unfriend List tracks Internet browsing activity and displays intrusive online advertisements.

Computer Pal Adware

What is Computer Pal?

Computer Pal is a deceptive browser extension developed by SuperWeb LLC. This browser plug-in claims to enhance the Internet browsing experience (especially online shopping) by enabling features such as comparison shopping, coupons, and other similar functionality

- "We're passionate about improving web by providing the best tools to enhance the browsing experience, from searching the web to comparing online deals to find the best prices. We've combined all of our great ideas into the Computer Pal product suite, a FREE set of tools that work to make your browsing experience... better!"

Many users may feel that Computer Pal is legitimate and useful, however, it is categorized as adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP). The main reason for these negative associations is rogue behavior exhibited by the Computer Pal add-on - it infiltrates systems without users' permission, displays intrusive online ads, and collects various system information.

Ads by Unfriend Watch

What is Unfriend Watch?

Unfriend Watch presents itself as a useful tool to determine 'who unfriended you on Facebook' - "See Who Unfriended You, With Facebook Unfriend Watch, your life may never be the same."

Although some users may believe that this app is legitimate, Unfriend Watch is categorized as adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP). After Unfriend Watch stealthily infiltrates the system, it delivers various types of intrusive online advertisements and collects various system information. Redirect

What is

The website claims to provide an improved Internet search experience by displaying advanced results. On initial inspection, this site might seem legitimate and useful, however, is categorized as a browser hijacker. After infiltrating the system without users' consent, Go Search modifies Internet browser settings.


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