Virus and Spyware Removal Guides, uninstall instructions

Would Like To Use Your Computing Power Pop-Up

What is Would Like To Use Your Computing Power?

"Would Like To Use Your Computing Power" is a pop-up message displayed by a malicious websites. As its name suggests, this pop-up encourages users to give permission to use system resources to perform various 'calculations'.

Be aware that these websites are likely to proliferate adware-type potentially unwanted programs (PUPs). Furthermore, these applications deliver intrusive advertisements and record sensitive data. Redirect

What is

Similar to, is a fake Internet search that supposedly generates improved results and, therefore, enhances the browsing experience. These claims often trick users into believing that is legitimate and useful.

Despite this, criminals promote this fake search engine using a browser-hijacking PUP (potentially unwanted program) called SearchApp. Furthermore, and SearchApp continually record various user-system information, mostly relating to Internet browsing activity. Redirect

What is is a legitimate online shopping website, however, criminals generate revenue via referrals.

They release potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) that redirect to rogue sites which, in turn, redirect users to a referral link. As well as causing redirects, potentially unwanted programs deliver intrusive advertisements, gather sensitive information, and (in some cases) run unnecessary processes in the background. Redirect

What is is a legitimate online store. Be aware, however, that cyber criminals use its referrals to generate revenue. Criminals develop applications that redirect users to various dubious websites which, in turn, cause redirects to the website's referral links.

In addition to redirects, potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) generate intrusive advertisements (coupons, banners, pop-ups, etc.), gather sensitive data, and often misuse system resources.

Your Hard Drive Will Be Deleted Scam

What is Your Hard Drive Will Be Deleted?

"Your Hard Drive Will Be Deleted" is a fake pop-up error message identical to You Have A ZEUS Virus and You Have A ALUREON Virus. This error is displayed by a malicious website that users often visit inadvertently - they are redirected by various potentially unwanted programs (PUPs).

Research shows that these programs stealthily infiltrate systems during installation of other software ("bundling" method). As well as causing unwanted redirects, PUPs also deliver intrusive advertisements and collect various user/system information.

Amazon AWS Virus

What is Amazon AWS?

Amazon AWS (also known as Amazon Web Services) is a legitimate service provided by Amazon Inc. This service provides users with various IT-related resources/functionalities (e.g., database storage, computer power, content delivery, etc.) Cyber criminals employ this service in their malicious businesses.

For example, they use Amazon AWS to proliferate malware, host infectious/dubious websites, and so on. Therefore, if you continually encounter browser "pending" statuses that supposedly load s3.**** URLs, there is chance that your system is infected.

Error 268D3-XC00037 Scam

What is Error 268D3-XC00037?

"Error 268D3-XC00037" is a fake error similar to Windows Has Been Shutdown, Code 055BCCAC9FEC, Your Device Is Under Threat, and many others. This error is displayed by a malicious website. Users are redirected to this website by various potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) that infiltrate systems without permission.

As well as causing redirects, potentially unwanted programs deliver various intrusive advertisements, gather information, and run unnecessary background processes. Redirect

What is is a fake Internet search engine identical to,,, and

By offering improved results, attempts to give the impression of legitimacy, however, developers promote this site using rogue download/installation set-ups that hijack web browsers and modify various settings without permission. In addition, continually records information relating to web browsing activity. Redirect

What is

According to the developers, Search Tuner is a legitimate application that provides music streaming functionality.

Judging on appearance alone, Search Tuner may seem legitimate and useful, however, it is classed as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and a browser hijacker. There are three main reasons for these negative associations: 1) stealth installation without users' consent; 2) promotion of a fake Internet search engine, and; 3) tracking of sensitive information.

Microsoft System Security Alert Scam

What is Microsoft System Security Alert?

"Microsoft System Security Alert" is a fake error message displayed by a deceptive website that users often visit inadvertently - they are redirected by various potentially unwanted programs (PUPs). Note that PUPs usually infiltrate systems without consent (the "bundling" method). In addition, they often deliver intrusive advertisements and track users' Internet browsing activity.


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