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What is is another rogue site that is very similar to other sites of this type. Some examples include,, and The website redirects users to other untrustworthy, deceptive, or even potentially malicious websites.

In most cases, users visit inadvertently - they are redirected by intrusive ads displayed on other rogue sites or by potentially unwanted applications (PUAs). Typically, PUAs infiltrate systems without permission, cause unwanted redirects, record information, and feed users with intrusive ads. Redirect

What is is one of many fake search engines promoted using a potentially unwanted application (PUA). In this case, a browser hijacker and PUA called PDF Convert. According to the developers, this app converts files (documents) directly from the browser and allows quick access to popular websites.

In fact, users often install apps such as PDF Convert inadvertently. Once installed, this app modifies browser settings and gathers various data. Redirect

What is is classified as a fake search engine that is promoted through a browser-hijacking potentially unwanted application (PUA) called Watch TV Now. Developers claim that Watch TV Now saves time finding TV shows by providing quick access to popular TV-related websites.

Generally, users install these apps unintentionally. Once installed, browser hijackers modify settings and record information relating to browsing habits. Redirect (Mac)

What is is one of many search engines that is promoted by offering faster searches, improved results, quick access to popular websites, and so on.

In fact, it is categorized as a fake search engine, since developers promote it using rogue downloaders/installers that hijack browsers and modify settings. Furthermore, as with most search engines of this type, gathers browsing-related data. POP-UP Redirect

What is is a rogue site similar to,,, and many others. It redirects users to various other dubious websites and displays deceptive content. Research shows that visitors often arrive at inadvertently - they are redirected by potentially unwanted applications (PUAs) or intrusive ads displayed on other rogue sites.

PUAs usually infiltrate systems without users’ permission, deliver intrusive advertisements, and gather private information.

I Sent You An Email From Your Account Email Scam

What kind of email is "I sent you an email from your account"?

"I sent you an email from your account" is a spam email campaign (scam) used by cyber criminals who threaten to proliferate compromising/humiliating videos of recipients if their ransom demands are not met. This is a common scam, and one of many similar versions.

If you receive this email, simply ignore it and do not believe any of the statements within the message. The email is proliferated via an "email spoofing" method used to falsify the sender's email address. In this way, scammers behind this email make it seem as if the recipient of the email is also the sender.

Rackspace Email Scam

What is "Rackspace Email Scam"?

Rackspace is a legitimate cloud computing company, however, some cyber criminals proliferate a spam email campaign using an identical name (so, the scam is also called "Rackspace").

The main purpose of this scam is to trick people into visiting a fake website where they are asked to enter their login and password details. Providing these details allows cyber criminals to steal them. Do not fall for the "Rackspace" scam - simply ignore the email and avoid the fake website. POP-UP Redirect

What is

There are many rogue websites on the internet, including, which is very similar to many other websites of this type such as,, and The site redirects to other untrustworthy and deceptive websites.

Typically, visitors arrive at this website unintentionally - potentially unwanted apps (PUAs) force redirects to it. PUAs cause unwanted redirects, record data relating to browsing activity, and deploy intrusive ads. These apps are categorized as 'potentially unwanted', since most people install them inadvertently.

ByteFence Unwanted Application (Mac)

What is "ByteFence"?

The ByteFence application supposedly prevents various unwanted applications from being installed. Ironically, ByteFence is a potentially unwanted application (PUA) that many users install inadvertently - they are tricked into installing this dubious software.

PUAs are usually promoted using the "bundling" method. At time of research, the PDF Mac Master's installer was one of a number of tools used to spread ByteFence.

Adobe Ransomware

What is Adobe?

Adobe is a high-risk virus that is categorized as ransomware. This virus belongs to the Dharma ransomware family and it was first discovered by S!Ri. Adobe's developers (cyber criminals) use it to corrupt systems by encrypting files (making them unusable).

Another ransomware that adds .adobe (or .adobee) extension to encrypted files originates from STOP ransomware family.

Once the system is infiltrated, Adobe ransomware displays a ransom demand message (pop-up window), creates a "FILES ENCRYPTED.txt" text file, and renames each encrypted file by adding the ".adobe" extension plus a unique ID and an email address.

For example, "1.jpg" file is renamed to "[].adobe", and so on. Adobe can be found and identified in Task Manager as "BulkFileChanger (32bit)".


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