Virus and Spyware Removal Guides, uninstall instructions Ads

What kind of page is safe-secure-protect[.]com?

We have examined safe-secure-protect[.]com and found that it is an unreliable website that can (if allowed) show misleading notifications. Pages like safe-secure-protect[.]com often use clickbait or other deceptive tactics to trick visitors into agreeing to receive their notifications. Users should avoid such sites.

Can Stealer

What kind of malware is "Can"?

Can stealer is a malicious program designed to extract sensitive information from infected systems. It targets a variety of data but there's a particular focus on log-in credentials (usernames/passwords). Ads

What kind of page is efgrghhindhimi[.]info?

Our researchers discovered the efgrghhindhimi[.]info rogue page during a routine inspection of dubious websites. After examining this webpage, we determined that it promotes spam browser notifications and generates redirects to different (likely unreliable/hazardous) sites.

Efgrghhindhimi[.]info and pages akin to it are most commonly accessed through redirects caused by websites that employ rogue advertising networks.

SambaSpy Malware

What kind of malware is SambaSpy?

SambaSpy is a remote access Trojan (RAT), a type of malware that cybercriminals often use to steal information and (or) distribute additional malware. Threat actors have been observed distributing SambaSpy via email. Interestingly, they target Italian users only. However, the attackers may broaden their target audience in the future. Ads

What kind of page is forenteion[.]com?

Our research team discovered forenteion[.]com while browsing suspicious websites. After analyzing this rogue page, we learned that it promotes dubious content and browser notification spam.

Forenteion[.]com can also redirect users to other (likely untrustworthy/dangerous) sites. Most visitors to such pages access them via redirects produced by websites that employ rogue advertising networks.

JoopApp Unwanted Application

What kind of application is JoopApp?

We have classified JoopApp as an unwanted application because at least one security vendor flags its installer as malicious on VirusTotal. Having apps like JoopApp installed on computers can pose security and privacy risks. Thus, users are advised not to install and remove such apps if they are already present. Ads

What kind of page is fondsmoney[.]com?

While inspecting untrustworthy sites, our researchers discovered fondsmoney[.]com. This rogue webpage promotes browser notification spam and produces redirects to other (likely unreliable/malicious) websites.

Most visitors to fondsmoney[.]com and similar pages access them through redirects caused by sites that employ rogue advertising networks. Ads

What kind of page is bnfgnbheavynuo[.]info?

Bnfgnbheavynuo[.]info is a rogue page promoting browser notification spam and redirecting visitors to other (likely dubious/malicious) websites.

Our researchers discovered this webpage while inspecting a Torrenting site that uses rogue advertising networks. In fact, redirects generated by websites utilizing said ad networks are how most users access pages like bnfgnbheavynuo[.]info. Ads

What kind of page is donthiter[.]com?

During our inspection of donthiter[.]com, we found that it uses a deceptive tactic to obtain visitors' permission to send them notifications. Typically, sites like donthiter[.]com deliver unreliable notifications. Thus, users are highly advised not to permit donthiter[.]com to send notifications. Ads

What kind of page is[.]in?

Our researchers found the[.]in rogue page while investigating suspect websites. Upon examination, we learned that this webpage promotes browser notification spam and redirects visitors to different (likely unreliable/dangerous) sites.

Users most commonly enter pages like[.]in through redirects generated by websites that utilize rogue advertising networks.


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