Virus and Spyware Removal Guides, uninstall instructions Redirect

What is

The website presents users with a customized Yahoo search engine. This website is promoted using free software, toolbars, and browser add-ons, which computer users download from the Internet. This method of promotion is deemed deceptive, since computer users often inadvertently install the browser add-ons without their consent.

To avoid these situations, users should use caution when installing free software. Check each installation window carefully for any suggestion that your Internet browser homepage or default search engine may be changed. Redirects to are related to the Search Core Systems company and associated software. Redirect

What is

The website is promoted through browser add-ons and toolbars. This website presents users with a search bar, which uses a customized Google search engine. The main purpose of creating this website is to monetize incoming web traffic.

Each time a computer user clicks on sponsored search results presented by the website, revenue is shared between Google and the creators of

In fact, there are no real benefits to using this website, and moreover, the sponsored results are often unrelated to users' original search queries. Commonly, redirects to are forced by the Default Tab Internet browser plug-in. Browser add-ons such as these are promoted using various websites. Redirect

What is

Genieo is a browser add-on - essentially, a recommendation engine. This plug-in tracks your interests and then presents a personalized homepage with your favorite news, etc.

The plug-in alone, is useful, innovative, and popular with many Internet users, however, recent complaints from PC users about the redirects to and other websites related to Genieo, make this an unwanted application.

Note that the,, and websites are related to Genieo; redirects to these websites can be a consequence of computer infections and inadvertent installation of third party browser add-ons.

IRMA and BSA Virus

What is IRMA and BSA?

"PC is locked by Business Software Alliance trade group and Information Resources Management Association" is a ransomware infection, which blocks computer users' screens and demands payment of a $250 fine for supposedly viewing or using 'forbidden' and 'pirate' software. This is a scam created by Cyber criminals to trick unsuspecting PC users into paying a bogus fine.

No authorities or other organizations use such methods to collect fines for law violations. These ransomware infections originate from a family called Epubb, the previous versions of which, exploited the name of the FBI and other authorities in order to scare PC users into paying bogus fines. Redirect

What is

The website claims that it is a fast and reliable search engine enabling users to search the web, torrents, maps, etc. In essence, it is a web business directory enhanced with a search bar. Whilst on initial inspection this website seems legitimate, recent PC user reports state that redirects to this website are a consequence of Internet browser hijackers.

Closer study of reveals that this site is promoted using Business Search Toolbar, a browser add-on, which can be downloaded from its homepage or may come bundled with free software downloaded from the Internet. Redirect

What is

Glarysoft Ltd. is a reputable developer of various software packages for PC users. This company's popular products include Glary Utilities, Disk SpeedUP, etc.

These are legitimate programs and in no way related to malware or virus infections, however, free versions of these programs and other free software developed by Glarysoft, installs an unwanted toolbar to users' Internet browsers, redirecting them to Installation of this toolbar is prevented by unchecking several ticks from the free software installation windows.

Anonymous Virus

What is Anonymous?

Anonymous "Your computer has been h`acked" is a ransomware infection proliferated by Cyber criminals. This security infection is similar to those seen previously (FBI - Your computer has been locked, etc.)

Whilst other similar ransomware infections exploit the names of authorities, and attempt to trick unsuspecting PC users into paying bogus fines for supposedly committing law violations, this particular ransomware orders users to pay a ransom to unblock their computers.

It is unlikely that the Anonymous Hackers Group are connected with this ransomware - it is more likely that their name and graphics are exploited by cyber criminals in an attempt to scare PC users into paying a 100 Euro ransom.

PC Defender Plus Fake Antivirus

What is PC Defender Plus?

PC Defender Plus is not a legitimate antivirus program - it is a scam created by Cyber criminals. If you see this program scanning your PC for security infections, do not trust any of the 'detection lists' generated by this program.

In fact, PC Defender Plus is a fake antivirus program, which attempts to scare computer users into believing that their PCs have serious security infections.

The purpose of this is to sell the license key for the rogue software. When installed, this scareware immediately begins a fake security scan and reports that the user's computer is infected with high-risk security threats.



POLICE RENDŐRSÉG (A számítógép zárolva lett) is a virus and should not be treated as a legitimate message from the Hungarian police. This is a ransomware infection from a family called Reventon. Cyber criminals responsible for creating this family, use localized versions of deceptive messages demanding payment of fines for supposed law infringements.

This particular screen locker is designed to scare PC users predominantly from Hungary. The message exploits the name of POLICE RENDŐRSÉG and uses their logo. None of the text in this ransomware infection is legitimate - the Hungarian police do not send messages of this nature to computer users. This is a virus developed by cyber criminals.



POLIZIA SLOVENA DIPARTIMENTO DI CRIMINALITA INFORMATICA (Vaš računalnik jelaklenjen) is a deceptive screen locker, which demands payment of a bogus fine for supposed law violations committed by PC users. In fact, this is a scam originating from a family of ransomware called Reveton. This particular ransomware targets PC users predominantly from Slovenia.

Cyber criminals who designed this screen locker exploit the name of the Slovenian police and use their graphics within the screen locker.

Do not trust this message - the Slovenian police have no connection with this message, and if you pay the bogus fine, you will send your money to cyber criminals. Any message stating that your computer was locked because you downloaded videos and music from the Internet, is false.


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