Virus and Spyware Removal Guides, uninstall instructions

Dansk Rigspolitiet Virus

What is Dansk Rigspolitiet?

The Dansk Rigspolitiet, Koncern IT message, "OBS! Computeren er blevet blokeret af sikkerhedsmæssige årsager anført nedenfor", blocks computer screens and demands payment of a DKK 1000 fine using PaySafeCard or Ukash for alleged law violations, such as watching child pornography, using pirated copies of music and video files, etc.

This is a scam. The message is not sent by Dansk Rigspolitiet, it is a ransomware virus developed by cyber criminals. The screen-blocking message makes fake accusations of law violations in order to trick unsuspecting PC users from Denmark into paying a bogus fine. Note that paying this fine is equivalent to sending your money to cyber criminals.

Svensk National Bureau of Investigation Virus

What is Svensk National Bureau of Investigation?

The Svensk National Bureau of Investigation message, "VIKTIGT! Din dator blev blockerad av säkerhetsskäl. Detaljer ansivas", blocks the user's computer screen and demands payment of a SEK 1000 fine using Ukash or PaySafeCard. This is a scam.

The message should not be trusted since it is developed by cyber criminals with the intention of tricking unsuspecting PC users from Sweden into paying a bogus fine for alleged law violations related to watching pornography involving minors, using pirated copies of music or video files, etc.

In fact, this message is not sent by any legitimate authorities from Sweden, it is a ransomware virus developed by cyber criminals. PC users should be aware that no legitimate authorities or organizations, internationally, use computer screen-blocking messages to collect fines for any law violations.

Kriminalpolitisentralen Virus

What is Kriminalpolitisentralen?

The following message is a scam: Kriminalpolitisentralen, Politiets Sikkerhetstjeneste and Det kongelige Justis - og Beredskapsdepartementet, "OBS! Datamaskinen din har blitt blokkert av sikkerhetsmessige grunner nevnt nedenfor". This message blocks the user's screen, demanding payment of a NOK 1000 fine using PaySafeCard or Ukash in order to unblock it.

This is a ransomware virus created by cyber criminals who make false accusations of law violations to scare unsuspecting PC users from Norway into paying the bogus fine. No legitimate authorities from Norway use screen-blocking messages to collect fines for any law violations. Paying this fine is equivalent to sending your money to cyber criminals.

Poliisihallituksen Virus

What is Poliisihallituksen?

The following message is a scam: Poliisihallituksen, Keskusrikospoliisi, Poliisin Tekniikkakeskus, "HUOMIO! Titokonesi on lukittu turvallisuuden vuoksi allamainittujen syiden takia". This message is not related to any legitimate authorities from Finland, it is a ransomware virus created by cyber criminals.

The main purpose of this deceptive screen-blocking message is to extort money from unsuspecting Finnish PC users. Cyber criminals responsible for creating this scam make false accusations of law infringements (watching pornography involving minors, using pirated copies of music and video files, etc.) in order to scare PC users into paying a bogus fine.

The message demands payment of 100 Euros using PaySafeCard in order to unblock the computer. Note that paying this fine is equivalent to sending your money to cyber criminals.

The ICE Cyber Crime Center Virus

What is The ICE Cyber Crime Center?

The ICE Cyber Crime Center message locks computer users' screens demanding payment of a $400 fine for alleged law violations. This is a scam.

The message has no connection with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and was created by cyber criminals in the hope that unsuspecting PC users believe the false accusations made (watching pornography, using copyrighted files, use of unlicensed software) and pay the bogus fine.

In fact, no authorities (including The ICE Cyber Crime Center) use screen-blocking messages to collect fines for any law violations. This fake message is called ransomware and this particular infection originates from a family called Reveton.

Arma dei Carabinieri Virus

What is Arma dei Carabinieri?

The Arma dei Carabinieri message, "ATTENZIONE! Il Suo computer personale è stato bloccato per motivi di sicurezza per le seguenti ragioni", blocks the user's computer screen, demanding payment of a 100 Euro fine (using PaySafeCard or Ukash) in order to unblock it. This is a scam.

This message should not be trusted since it is a ransomware virus created by cyber criminals. The rogue message is designed to scare unsuspecting PC users from Italy into paying a bogus fine. In order to deceive PC users into paying the fine, cyber criminals make fake accusations of law infringements such as watching pornography, using pirated copies of music or video files, etc.

Furthermore, this message employs a count down timer within which the bogus fine must be paid (counting down from 48 hours), in order to create a sense of urgency.

Trusted Saver Pop-up ads

What is Trusted Saver?

The Trusted Saver (TrustedSaver) browser add-on promises to save Internet users time and money whilst shopping online. This browser extension displays coupon and deals ads when Internet users visit online shopping websites such as BestBuy, 1-800-Flowers, Walmart, etc.

Note that while this browser add-on and added functionality may seem legitimate, many computer users refer to Trusted Saver as a virus or malware.

These negative associations are made since this browser add-on installs on users' Internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla FireFox) without their consent together with free software downloaded from the Internet.

Record Checker App

What is Record Checker?

The Record Checker browser add-on (compatible with Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla FireFox) promises to enhance Internet users' browsing experience by displaying insightful reports regarding individuals' public records.

This browser add-on is developed by Gen Technologies Apps and can be downloaded from their homepage or is 'bundled' with free software downloaded from the Internet. Whilst this browser plug-in may appear legitimate, it is a potentially unwanted application, which causes unwanted ads and may lead to serious privacy issues.

New Zealand E-crime Lab Virus

What is New Zealand E-crime Lab?

The following message is a scam: New Zealand E-crime Lab (Centre Foe critical Infrastructure Protection), "ATTENTION! Your computer has been blocked for safety reasons listed below".

The message blocks the computer screen and demands payment of a NZD $100 fine using Ukash for alleged law infringements (such as viewing/storage and/or dissemination of banned pornography, downloading of pirated music, video, warez, etc.).

The message is not related to legitimate authorities from New Zealand, it is a ransomware virus created by cyber criminals with the intention of tricking unsuspecting PC users into paying a bogus fine. Computer users from New Zealand should be aware that no authorities, internationally, use screen-blocking messages to collect fines for any law violations.

Fake messages such as these are used by cyber criminals to scare PC users into paying bogus fines. Paying such a fine is equivalent to sending your money to the cyber criminals responsible for developing this scam.

Grupo de Delitos Telemáticos Virus

What is Grupo de Delitos Telemáticos?

The following message is a scam and should not be trusted: Grupo de Delitos Telemáticos and Dirección General de la Policia y de la Guardia Civil, "Atención! Su ordenador personal ha sido bloqueado por razones de seguridad vistos los motivos abajo detallados".

This message is not related to legitimate Spanish authorities from Spain, it is a ransomware virus created by cyber criminals. The main purpose of this scam is to trick unsuspecting PC users from Spain into paying a bogus 100 Euro fine using Ukash or PaySafeCard for alleged law violations (watching child pornography, downloading pirated music, video files, etc.)

Computer users should be aware that no authorities, internationally (including Grupo de Delitos Telemáticos, Dirección General de la Policia and Dirección General de la Guardia Civil), use screen-blocking messages to collect fines for any law violations. Paying this fine is equivalent to sending your money to cyber criminals.


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