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What is is a fake Internet search engine identical to,,, and dozens of other rogue sites. 

On initial inspection, may seem legitimate, however, this site is promoted via dubious app 'installers' developed to modify Safari, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox web browser settings without users’ permission. In addition, records various information relating to users' web browsing activity. Redirect (Mac)

What is

Identical to,,, and a number of other deceptive sites, is a fake Internet search engine. The appearance of this site is similar to a number of legitimate search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

Therefore, users often believe that is legitimate. In fact, developers promote this dubious website using rogue installer set-ups that modify Internet browser settings without users' permission. Furthermore, collects various user/system information relating to Internet browsing activity. Redirect (Mac)

What is is a fake Internet search engine. The appearance of this site often tricks users into believing that it is legitimate, however, this site is promoted via dubious app 'installers' designed to stealthily modify Internet browser settings without users' consent. In addition, this website continually gathers information relating to web browsing activity.

SendFilesFree Toolbar

What is SendFilesFree?

SendFilesFree is a dubious browser toolbar that supposedly allows users to share various files. Initially, this functionality may seems legitimate, however, SendFilesFree is classed as a browser hijacker and a potentially unwanted program (PUP). Once infiltrated, SendFilesFree stealthily modifies web browser settings and collects information relating to Internet browsing activity.

FindYourMaps Toolbar

What is FindYourMaps?

FindYourMaps is a deceptive browser toolbar that supposably allows users to find driving directions and use various maps. Initially, this functionality may seem legitimate and useful, however, FindYourMaps is classed as a browser hijacker and a potentially unwanted program (PUP).

There are three main reasons for these negative associations: 1) FindYourMaps usually infiltrates systems without users’ permission; 2) this app stealthily modifies browser settings, and; 3) it tracks users' web browsing activity. Redirect

What is is a fake Internet search engine identical to,, and a number of other bogus sites. This website may seem similar to Google, Bing, and Yahoo and, therefore, many users believe that is legitimate.

In fact, this fake search engine is promoted using dubious software 'installers' that are designed to modify web browser settings without users' consent. In addition, this dubious website continually gathers information regarding Internet browsing activity.

TestForSpeed Toolbar

What is TestForSpeed?

TestForSpeed is a dubious browser toolbar that supposedly allows users to test their Internet speed on any website, while also providing easy access to various other websites.

Users often believe that TestForSpeed is legitimate, however, due to rogue behavior, this toolbar is classed as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and a browser hijacker. After stealthily hijacking web browsers, TestForSpeed modifies settings and tracks Internet browsing activity. Redirect

What is

On initial inspection, may seem a legitimate Internet search engine, since the appearance of this site is identical to Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other reputable search engines.

Be aware, however, that is promoted via dubious software 'installers' that hijack Internet browsers. In addition, continually gathers various information relating to Internet browsing activity.

.Lock Ransomware

What is .Lock?

.Lock is a ransomware-type malware that infiltrates computers and then encrypts various files. During encryption, this ransomware adds a .lock extension to each compromised file, thus, making it easy to determine which files are encrypted.

This ransomware uses AES 256 - an asymmetric encryption algorithm and, therefore, the encryption and decryption (public and private) keys are different. To restore files, the private key is needed. Furthermore, the victim's desktop wallpaper is changed during encryption and the ransomware creates a 'MENSAGEM.txt' file on the desktop.

SecuriDex Adware

What is SecuriDex?

SecuriDex is a bogus media player that supposedly prevents various security outbrakes. By falsely claiming to improve computer protection, SecuriDex attempts to give the impression of legitimate software.

Due to rogue behavior, however, SecuriDex is classed as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and adware. This adware infiltrates systems without users’ permission, collects personally identifiable information, and delivers intrusive online advertisements.


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