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Mac-Flix Adware (Mac)

What is Mac-Flix?

Mac-Flix is a dubious application that supposedly allows users to access various websites that would otherwise be blocked in their own countries. Its appearance is similar to NextFlix, DNS Unlocker, TopFlix, and many other applications. 

Fake promises to enable so-called 'useful functionality' often trick users to install, however, Mac-Flix is developed only to record various user/system information and display intrusive online advertisements. Furthermore, this app often infiltrates systems without users’ permission. For these reasons, it is classed as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and adware. Redirect

What is is a fake Internet search engine that falsely claims to enhance the Internet browsing experience by generating the most relevant search results.

Users are often tricked into believing that is a legitimate site, however, it is designed to record various information regarding their web browsing activity. In addition, developers promote using deceptive installation set-ups used to modify Internet browser settings without users' permission. Redirect (Mac)

What is

Identical to,,, and a number of other dubious websites, is a fake Internet search engine that falsely claims to generate the most relevant search results. Many users believe that this website is legitimate.

In fact, developers promote this site using application 'installers' designed to hijack web browsers and stealthily modify their settings. In addition, continually tracks various user/system data relating to Internet browsing activity.

PizzaCrypts Ransomware

What is PizzaCrypts?

PizzaCrypts is a ransomware-type malware distributed using the Neutrino Exploit Kit. After successful infiltration, PizzaCrypts encrypts most system files and adds the id-[victim’s ID] extension to the name of each encrypted file.

For example, sample.jpg is renamed to[victim’s ID] The Pizzacrypts Info.txt file is then created and placed in each folder containing encrypted files.

BitStak Ransomware

What is BitStak?

BitStack is ransomware-type malware designed to encrypt files. During the encryption process, BitStack changes the name of encrypted files to random letters (often 11 letters) and adds the .bitstack extension to each one. For instance, sample.jpg might be renamed to a series of random letter such as ASdeeTgf.gfa.bitstack.

The name of each encrypted file is different, making it virtually impossible to differentiate them from normal files. The names of folders containing the encrypted files are also changed in the same manner. Following successful encryption, BitStack opens a lock screen that demands a ransom. Redirect

What is is a dubious site presented as a legitimate Internet search engine. Judging on appearance alone, this site may seem similar or identical to Google, Bing, Yahoo!, and other similar legitimate websites. Therefore, users often believe that is also reputable.

Be aware, however, that developers promote this site using bogus software installation set-ups designed to hijack Internet browsers. In addition, records various user/system information relating to Internet browsing activity.

Microsoft Decryptor Ransomware

What is Microsoft Decyptor?

Microsoft Decryptor is an updated version of the CryptXXX and UltraCrypter viruses. Microsoft Decryptor encrypts files using the asymmetric RSA4096 encryption algorithm. Unlike other ransomware, Microsoft Decryptor does not append the names of encrypted files with any extension.

Following successful encryption, Microsoft Decryptor creates three files (README.txt, README.bmp, and README.html), placing them in each folder that contains encrypted files. Redirect

What is is a fake Internet search engine identical to,, and a number of other sites. By claiming to generate the most relevant search results, often tricks users into believing that this site is legitimate.

In fact, developers promote using dubious software installation set-ups designed to hijack Internet browsers and modify settings without users' permission. In addition, records various user/system information that might be personally identifiable.

EasyShopper Adware (Mac)

What is EasyShopper?

EasyShopper is a deceptive application identical to LiveShoppers. By falsely claiming to improve the online shopping experience, EasyShopper often tricks users into believing that it is a legitimate application. In fact, EasyShopper often infiltrates systems without users’ permission.

Furthermore, this application continually records various information relating to users' web browsing activity and displays intrusive online advertisements. For these reasons, EasyShopper is classed as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and adware. Redirect

What is

MyTVTab is a rogue application claiming to allow users to watch various online streams and to access popular streaming websites such as Hulu, Netflix, and many others. On initial inspection, this functionality may appear legitimate and useful, however, MyTVTab is classed as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and a browser hijacker.

One of the main reasons for these negative associations is stealth installation. MyTVTab often infiltrates systems without users’ permission. Furthermore, MyTVTab causes unwanted browser redirects and records various user/system information.


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