Virus and Spyware Removal Guides, uninstall instructions

ShopTool Adware (Mac)

What is ShopTool?

Identical to CoolShopper, BestSmart Shoppers, WebShoppers, and a number of other applications, ShopTool is a dubious app that falsely claims to save time and money while shopping online.

By claiming to provide coupons and notifications of special deals/discounts available on a variety of online shops, ShopTool often tricks users to install, however, this application is designed to collect various data and deliver intrusive online advertisements.

Furthermore, it infiltrates systems without direct user-permission. For these reasons, ShopTool is classed as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and adware. Redirect

What is is a fake Internet search engine that supposedly generates the most relevant search results and provides quick access to various popular sites (YouTube, Facebook, etc.). Judging on appearance alone, may seem identical to Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other legitimate Internet search engines.

Therefore, many users believe that is also a legitimate site. Be aware, however, that this site continually gathers various information relating to Internet browsing activity. Furthermore, developers promote using dubious software 'installers' that modify Internet browser settings without users' permission.

OtherSearch Adware

What is OtherSearch?

OtherSearch is a rogue program that infiltrates systems during the installation of other programs (this is a deceptive marketing method called "bundling"). Following infiltration, OtherSearch generates various online advertisements and tracks Internet browsing activity. For these reasons, OtherSearch is classed as adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP). Redirect

What is

Top News Reporter is presented as a legitimate application that provides users with the latest world-wide news. On initial inspection, this application may seem legitimate, however, due to rogue behavior, Top News Reporter is classed as a browser hijacker and a potentially unwanted program (PUP).

One of the main reasons for these negative associations is stealth installation - Top News Reporter is distributed using a deceptive software marketing method called 'bundling' and, thus, often infiltrates systems without users’ permission. Furthermore, this PUP causes unwanted browser redirects, displays intrusive online advertisements, and collects various user/system data.

NetSecure Adware

What is NetSecure?

NetSecure is a deceptive application that infiltrates systems during installation of other potentially unwanted programs (PUPs). Note that deceptive installers provide no information regarding installation of NetSecure. Following infiltration, this app generates intrusive online advertisements and tracks Internet browsing activity. For these reasons, NetSecure is classed as a PUP and adware.

Ads by Krazy Joystick Games

What is Krazy Joystick Games?

By claiming to allow users to play various addictive arcade games, Krazy Joystick Games often gives the impression of legitimate software. In fact, this application is classed as adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP).

One of the main reasons for these negative associations is stealth installation - Krazy Joystick Games often infiltrates systems without users’ permission. Furthermore, this PUP collects various user/system information and delivers intrusive online advertisements.

Dash Browser Adware

What is Dash Browser?

Dash is a rogue chromium-based web browser that falsely claims to significantly improve web browser performance. This application is very similar to Plants Vs Zombies, Jewel Quest Solitaire, Zombie Invasion, and many other apps.

Many users believe that Dash is a legitimate application, however, it is classed as adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP). Dash causes unwanted browser redirects, gathers various information regarding Internet browsing activity, and delivers various intrusive online advertisements. Redirect

What is

Live Sports Online Now is a deceptive application that supposedly allows users to watch various live sport matches online. Judging appearance alone, Live Sports Online Now may seem to be a legitimate application, however, it is classed as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and a browser hijacker.

Live Sports Online Now infiltrates systems without users’ permission, stealthily modifies web browser settings, displays intrusive online advertisements, and collects various information relating to Internet browsing activity.

Rush Ransomware

What is Rush?

Rush is new ransomware that encrypts files using the AES-256 encryption algorithm. During encryption, Rush appends the name of each compromised file with the .remind extension. For example, sample.jpg is renamed to sample.jpg.remind. Some variants of this ransomware add .crashed extension to the encrypted files.

This makes it straightforward to determine which files are encrypted. Types of targeted files include .pdf, .doc, .ppt, .html, .psd, and many others. After successfully encrypting the files, Rush creates a DECRYPT_YOUR_FILES.HTML file and places it on the victim's desktop.

WebShoppers Adware (Mac)

What is WebShoppers?

WebShoppers is a dubious application identical to CoolShopper, HotShoppy, EasyShopper, and several others. By falsely claiming to save time and money, WebShoppers often trick users to install. Although this application may seem legitimate, it is classed as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and adware.

Be aware that this application often infiltrates computers without users’ permission. Furthermore, it collects various user/system information and delivers intrusive online advertisements.


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