Virus and Spyware Removal Guides, uninstall instructions POP-UP Redirect

What is

Similar to,,, and many others, is a rogue website designed to cause redirects to various other untrustworthy sites. Most visitors arrive at inadvertently - they are redirected by potentially unwanted applications (PUAs) or intrusive ads displayed by other deceptive websites.

Research shows that potentially unwanted applications typically infiltrate systems without permission and, as well as causing redirects, deliver intrusive advertisements and gather personal data.

Complaint Email Virus

What is Complaint Email Virus?

"Complaint Email Virus" is a spam email campaign similar to DHL Email Virus, Here Is Your Fax Email Virus, AT&T Invoice Email Virus, and many others.

The emails from "Complaint Email Virus" deliver a deceptive message encouraging users to open an attached HTML file, which is presented as a complaint regarding a specific purchase. This is a scam. The opened document immediately downloads and installs a trojan-downloader that injects a modified version of WebBrowserPassView into the system.

WHY Ransomware

What is WHY?

First discovered by malware security researcher, Michael Gillespie, WHY is a new variant of high-risk ransomware called STOP. Immediately after infiltration, WHY encrypts most stored files and adds the ".WHY" appendix to the name of each compromised file.

For instance, "sample.jpg" is renamed to "sample.jpg.WHY". Encrypted files immediately become unusable. As with most of ransomware, after encrypting data, WHY creates a text file ("!!!WHY_MY_FILES_NOT_OPEN!!!.txt") and places a copy in each existing folder.

Mac Purifier Unwanted Application (Mac)

What is Mac Purifier?

Similar to Safe Cleaner for Mac, Mac Clean Pro, and many others, Mac Purifier is a dubious application presented as a great system optimization tool.

Judging on the features offered, Mac Purifier may seem legitimate and useful, however, developers proliferate this app using a deceptive marketing method called "bundling" and, thus, it often infiltrates systems without permission. Therefore, Mac Purifier is categorized as a potentially unwanted application (PUA).


What is ERDNT.LOC?

ERDNT.LOC is the name of a threat detected by the AVG and Avast anti-virus/anti-spyware suites. ERDNT.LOC is presented as a significant threat and, therefore, AVG and Avast eliminates it immediately. You should not worry, since the ERDNT.LOC threat is mostly a 'false positive'. POP-UP Redirect

What is is a rogue website similar to,,, and many others. It redirects users to various other deceptive (potentially, malicious) sites.

Research shows that many visitors arrive at inadvertently - they are redirected by potentially unwanted applications (PUAs) or intrusive advertisements delivered by other rogue sites. Potentially unwanted applications typically infiltrate systems without permission.

In addition to causing redirects, these rogue apps deliver intrusive advertisements and gather personal information.

RYUK Ransomware

What is RYUK?

RYUK is a high-risk ransomware-type virus that infiltrates the system and encrypts most stored data, thereby making it unusable. Due to its similarities with Hermes ransomware, there is a high probability that these two viruses have the same developer. Unlike most other viruses, this malware does not rename or append any extension to encrypted files.

It is, however, worth noting that updated variant of RYUK ransomware (titled RYK ransomware) appends .RYK extension (thus, its name). RYUK is also designed to create a text file ("RyukReadMe.txt"), placing a copy in every existing folder. POP-UP Redirect

What is is identical to,,, and many other rogue websites that cause unwanted redirects to various other untrustworthy sites. Users often visit inadvertently - they are redirected to it by potentially unwanted programs (PUPs).

In most cases, PUPs are installed inadvertently. In addition to unwanted redirects, they deliver intrusive ads, collect information, and misuse computer resources.

HidenGate Adware

What is HidenGate?

HidenGate is a deceptive application that falsely claims to provide VPN functions. On initial inspection, HidenGate may seem legitimate, however, this app is categorized as adware and a potentially unwanted application (PUA).

There are three main reasons for these negative associations: 1) installation without permission; 2) display of intrusive advertisements, and; 3) tracking of personal information.

DHL Email Virus

What is DHL Email Virus?

Similar to Offer Email Virus and many others, "DHL Email Virus" is a spam email campaign used to proliferate a high-risk trojan called LokiBot. Cyber criminals send thousands of emails by presenting them as notifications of deliveries. Users are encouraged to open attached documents. Once opened, however, these files infect the system with LokiBot.


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