Virus and Spyware Removal Guides, uninstall instructions Redirect (Mac)

What is

Similar to, and many others, is a fake search engine. Judging on appearance alone, this site may seem similar to Google, Yahoo, Bing and other legitimate search engines.

Therefore, it is easy to be tricked into believing that is a genuine search tool. In fact, it is usually promoted through the download/installation set-ups of browser hijacking applications.

These apps operate by modifying browser settings, promoting fake search engines, and monitoring users' browsing activity. Furthermore, also has data tracking capabilities.

Smbstrhlpr Virus (Mac)

What is Smbstrhlpr?

Mac users who update their MacOS systems to Catalina often experience a pop-up window containing the ""smbstruninstall" will damage your computer.

You should move it to the Bin." message. Research shows that this pop-up appears when the Smbstrhlpr unwanted app is installed on operating systems. This app is installed together with another potentially unwanted app (PUA) called Smart Mac Booster. We strongly recommend that you remove both Smbstrhlpr and Smart Mac Booster as soon as possible. Ads

What is highertpushs[.]com?

highertpushs[.]com is a rogue website designed to present users with dubious content and generate redirects to other untrustworthy and even malicious sites. It shares many similarities with, and countless others.

Few visitors of highertpushs[.]com open it intentionally, since most are redirected by intrusive ads or Potentially Unwanted Applications (PUAs) already installed on their systems. These apps do no need express user permission to infiltrate devices, and once successfully installed, they cause redirects, deliver ad campaigns, and gather browsing related information.

ExtraBrowser Adware (Mac)

What is ExtraBrowser?

ExtraBrowser supposedly helps users to search more effectively, however, this app is a potentially unwanted application (PUA) that is classified as adware.

Adware is software that serves advertisements. Typically, people do not generally download or install applications of this type intentionally. Furthermore, it is very likely that ExtraBrowser collects information about users' browsing habits. We recommend that you uninstall this app (and all other installed adware) immediately. Ads

What is tripflag[.]info?

tripflag[.]info is a rogue site, sharing many traits with, and countless others. It operates by presenting dubious content to visitors and causing redirects to untrustworthy or even malicious websites.

Most visitors to tripflag[.]info enter it unintentionally through redirects generated by intrusive advertisements or Potentially Unwanted Applications (PUAs) already present on the system. Note that these apps do no need explicit user permission to be installed onto devices.

Once successfully infiltrated, however, they cause redirects, deliver ad campaigns, and gather details relating to browsing activity. Ads

What is dernevious[.]com?

Similar to, and countless others, dernevious[.]com is a rogue site that forcibly feeds users with dubious content and generate redirects to other untrustworthy and malicious websites.

Few visitors to dernevious[.]com access it intentionally - most are redirected by intrusive ads or Potentially Unwanted Applications (PUAs) already installed on the device. These apps do not need express user permission to infiltrate systems. Once successfully installed, they cause redirects, run ad campaigns, and monitor users' browsing activity.

Helpermcp Virus (Mac)

What is Helpermcp?

The number of MacOS users who get a pop-up message "helpermcp will damage your computer you should move it to bin." is increasing by the day. Research shows that this pop-up appears mostly on the newest MacOS version called Catalina. It is known that Helpermcp is associated with an unwanted application called Mac Cleanup Pro.

To be more precise, Helpermcp files originate during installation process of Mac Cleanup Pro. We strongly recommend to uninstall Mac Cleanup Pro and remove all files that are associated with Helpermcp as soon as possible. Ads

What is generallocationgo[.]com?

Generallocationgo[.]com is a rogue website, sharing many similarities with and thousands of others. It operates by presenting visitors with dubious content and generating redirects to various compromised and malicious sites.

Few users ever enter this webpage intentionally, most are redirected by intrusive advertisements or by PUAs (Potentially Unwanted Applications), already present in the system. Users should note that unwanted apps do no need explicit user consent to infiltrate devices. PUAs are designed to cause redirects, run ad campaigns and spy on browsing activity.

EasyPackageTracker Toolbar

What is

Developed by Mindspark Interactive Network, EasyPackageTracker is a browser hijacker. It is endorsed as a tool for shipment tracking. It is supposedly capable of providing information, relating to package routes, locations, etc. However, it operates by altering browser settings and promoting - a fake search engine.

Furthermore, EasyPackageTracker spies on users' browsing activity. Due to this rogue app's dubious proliferation methods, i.e. due to it tricking users into installation, it is classified as a PUA (Potentially Unwanted Application).

Helperamc Virus (Mac)

What is Helperamc?

Helperamc is an unwanted application that is installed through another dubious app called Advanced Mac Cleaner. Research shows that people with Helperamc installed on their Mac computers continually encounter pop-up messages that freeze the operating system and encourage them to move Helperamc to Trash.

This problem occurs mostly on Catalina, later MacOS systems, however, users of previous versions might also experience this problem.


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