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You Are Our Winner Today! POP-UP Scam

What is You Are Our Winner Today!?

"You Are Our Winner Today!" is a deceptive pop-up message displayed by various rogue sites. Research shows that, in most cases, users visit these sites inadvertently - they are redirected by various PUPs (potentially unwanted programs) and intrusive ads delivered by other sites.

Furthermore, potentially unwanted programs typically infiltrate systems without permission, deliver intrusive ads, and record sensitive information.

Onlinemart Reward Scam

What is the fake "Onlinemart Reward"?

"Onlinemart Reward scam" is a scheme run on various untrustworthy websites. This scam claims that by completing a brief survey, users will receive a reward worth at least 90 USD.

It must be emphasized that the information provided by the fake "Onlinemart Reward" is false. Hence, regardless of what actions users take - they will not receive any prizes and may experience serious issues instead.

This scam type aims to promote misleading, deceptive, and malicious sites. Visiting and/or using such webpages can result in a variety of severe problems.

"Onlinemart Reward" has been notably pushed through spam emails with the subject/title "...PLS..C0NFlRM..Y0UR..0RDER...90995" (may vary). Typically, users access scam websites via mistyped URLs, redirects caused by intrusive advertisements, or have them force-opened by installed PUAs (Potentially Unwanted Applications).

btCry_zip Ransomware

What is btCry_zip?

Ransomware is a form of malware that encrypts files. Cybercriminals monetize it by selling decryption tools.

Typically, only the attackers have the right decryption software, key. Usually, ransomware displays or creates a ransom note with instructions on how to contact the attackers and other details.

btCry_zip encrypts and renames files by appending ".btCry_zip" as their new extension. For instance, it renames a file named "1.jpg" to "1.jpg.btCry_zip", "sample.jpg" to "sample.jpg.btCry_zip", and so on.

btCry_zip creates its ransom note (the "HOW TO DECRYPT FILES.txt" file) in all folders that contain affected data. This ransomware variant is part of the Xorist family.

Qlocker Ransomware

What kind of malware is Qlocker?

Qlocker is a ransomware-type malicious program. Malware within this classification operates by rendering data inaccessible (primarily by encrypting it) and demands ransoms for access recovery.

In case of Qlocker, it affects victims' files by storing them in password-protected 7zip archives. The original extensions of compromised files are changed to the ".7z" extension.

At the time of research, Qlocker targeted QNAP brand Network-attached storage (NAS) devices exclusively. Once the data is locked, the ransomware drops ransom notes - "!!!READ_ME.txt" into affected folders.

I Am A Professional Programmer Who Specializes In Hacking Email Scam

What is I am a professional programmer who specializes in hacking email scam?

As a rule, scammers behind sextortion email scams claim to have hacked a computer and recorded recipients while they were visiting adult websites. Scammers threaten to publish the video/send it to other people, unless recipients pay a certain amount of Bitcoin to the provided wallet address.

Such emails have to be ignored - they are scams and videos (or other compromising material) that cybercriminals behind them claim to have do not exist. Ads

What is the smartklick[.]biz website?

Sharing many similarities with,,, and countless others, smartklick[.]biz is a rogue site. Visitors to this webpage get redirected to untrustworthy/malicious sites and/or are presented with dubious content.

Websites of this type are seldom accessed intentionally. Most users enter them through redirects caused by intrusive ads or installed PUAs (Potentially Unwanted Applications).

This software can infiltrate systems without user consent or knowledge. PUAs operate by causing redirects, delivering intrusive advertisement campaigns, and collecting browsing-related information. Ads

What is wholecoolstories[.]com?

Wholecoolstories[.]com is a rogue site designed to present visitors with dubious content and/or redirect them to other untrustworthy/dangerous webpages. Users typically access such pages unintentionally; they get redirected to them by intrusive adverts or installed PUAs (Potentially Unwanted Applications).

This software does not require express permission to infiltrate devices; hence, users may be unaware of its presence. PUAs operate by force-opening webpages, running intrusive advertisements, and gather browsing-related information.

The Internet is rife with websites like wholecoolstories[.]com;, and - are but a few examples.

OriginalGrowthSystem Adware (Mac)

What is OriginalGrowthSystem?

The main purpose of the OriginalGrowthSystem is to generate advertisements and promote a fake search engine. Therefore, this app can be classified both as adware and a browser hijacker.

Most users download and install them unknowingly, for this reason they are called potentially unwanted applications (PUAs). Typically, users download and install PUAs unintentionally because apps of this kind are distributed using deceptive methods.

It is known that OriginalGrowthSystem is distributed by disguising its installer as the installer for the Adobe Flash Player.

JDRE Ransomware

What is JDRE ransomware?

JDRE is a piece of malicious software belonging to the Matrix ransomware family. Systems infected with this malware have their data encrypted (files rendered inaccessible) and receive ransom demands for the decryption (access recovery).

As JDRE ransomware encrypts, affected files are renamed according to this pattern - "[].[random_string].JDRE", which consists of the cyber criminals' email address, a random character string, and the ".JDRE" extension.

For example, a file initially titled "1.jpg" would appear as something similar to "[].NoFOH1Mm-2g6OVwab.JDRE" - following encryption. Once this process is complete, ransom notes - "JDRE_README.rtf" - are dropped into compromised folders. Ads

What is topnewsfresh[.]xyz?

Topnewsfresh[.]xyz is a questionable website displaying deceptive content and promoting other pages of this kind. It is uncommon for pages like topnewsfresh[.]xyz to be visited by users intentionally.

Usually, they get opened by installed potentially unwanted applications (PUAs), through deceptive advertisements, or untrustworthy websites. Apps designed to promote sites like topnewsfresh[.]xy tend to be designed to gather various data and display advertisements as well.

More examples of pages similar to topnewsfresh[.]xy are ddyuei[.]com, captcharesolver[.]com, and captchareverse[.]com.


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