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What is newlistiong[.]com?

Newlistiong[.]com is similar to news-mifet[.]cc, psaimoodriy[.]com, news-iqebyz[.]cc and hundreds of other websites. The main purpose of these pages is to open two, three other questionable, potentially malicious pages or to load deceptive content (usually, a message encouraging visitors to click the "Allow" button).

What happens after visiting these pages depends on the IP address (geolocation) of their visitors. Quite often, users open them by clicking deceptive ads or visiting other shady pages.

It is also common that websites like newlistiong[.]com get opened through potentially unwanted applications (PUAs) installed on browsers or computers. In other words, users rarely visit websites of this type intentionally.

Verifyrobot Ads

What are the verifyrobot sites?

Verifyrobot is the domain used by rogue websites, including such URLs as verifyrobot[.]info and verifyrobot[.]online. These pages are designed to load dubious content and/or redirect visitors to other untrustworthy or malicious sites.

The Internet is full of such unreliable webpages; - are but a few examples. Users rarely access websites of this kind intentionally. Most get redirected to them by intrusive ads or installed PUAs (Potentially Unwanted Applications).

This software can infiltrate systems without user permission and cause redirects, deliver intrusive advertisement campaigns, and collect browsing-related data. Ads

What is news-mifet[.]cc?

News-mifet[.]cc is not a trustworthy page: it is designed to promote (open) other pages of this kind and load questionable, deceptive content (what this page does after visiting it depends on its visitor's IP address). The Internet is full of websites like news-mifet[.]cc, here are some examples: news-iqebyz[.]cc, profitsurvey365[.]org, and youractualfeed[.]com.

As a rule, users do not visit them intentionally. It is known that pages like news-mifet[.]cc are promoted/get opened through untrustworthy websites, deceptive advertisements, and potentially unwanted applications (PUAs). It is worth mentioning that most users download and install PUAs unknowingly. Ads

What is psaimoodriy[.]com?

Psaimoodriy[.]com is a rogue site that shares many similarities with,,, and thousands of others. This webpage operates by loading dubious content and/or redirecting visitors to untrustworthy/malicious sites.

Users typically enter such websites unintentionally. Most get redirected to them by intrusive advertisements or PUAs (Potentially Unwanted Applications) already installed onto their devices.

These apps can infiltrate systems without explicit user consent. PUAs are designed to force-open pages, run intrusive advert campaigns, and gather browsing-related information. Ads

What is the news-iqebyz[.]cc site?

News-iqebyz[.]cc is an untrustworthy website designed to present visitors with dubious material and/or redirect them to other unreliable and possibly malicious pages. Sites of this kind are seldom accessed intentionally; most users get redirected to them by intrusive advertisements or installed PUAs (Potentially Unwanted Applications).

These apps can infiltrate systems without explicit permission; hence, users may be unaware of their presence. PUAs operate by force-opening webpages, running intrusive advert campaigns, and gathering information relating to browsing activity.

The Internet is rife with rogue websites like news-iqebyz[.]cc;, and are but some examples.

Eslock Ransomware

What is Eslock?

Ransomware is a type of malware that cybercriminals use to prevent victims from accessing their files and extract money from them. It encrypts files and displays (or creates) a ransom demanding message.

Eslock ransomware belongs to the MedusaLocker ransomware family. It encrypts files and appends the ".eslock" extension to their filenames.

For instance, it changes the filename of a file named "1.jpg" to "1.jpg.eslock", "2.jpg" to "2.jpg.eslock", and so on. Eslock creates the "Recovery_Instructions.html" file as its ransom note. Redirect (Mac)

What is is the URL (address) of an illegitimate search engine. Fake web searching tools usually cannot provide search results, and they collect users' browsing data.

Search engines within this classification are typically promoted by browser hijackers. This software operates by making modifications to browser settings.

Browser hijackers are categorized as PUAs (Potentially Unwanted Applications) due to the dubious techniques used to distribute them. Proliferation via fake Adobe Flash Player updates is common for browser hijackers and other PUAs.

It is noteworthy that fraudulent updaters/installers are employed to spread not only PUAs but also malware (e.g., trojans, ransomware, cryptocurrency miners, etc.). Ads

What is profitsurvey365[.]org?

Profitsurvey365[.]org is a rogue website, which shares common traits with,,, and countless others. This site is designed to load questionable content and/or redirect visitors to untrustworthy/malicious webpages.

Users seldom access such websites intentionally; most get redirected to them by intrusive adverts or installed PUAs (Potentially Unwanted Applications). This software can infiltrate systems without user permission and cause redirects, deliver intrusive advertisement campaigns, and collect browsing-related information. Ads

What is youractualfeed[.]com?

Youractualfeed[.]com is the address of a website designed to display its content or open a couple of questionable, potentially malicious websites - it depends on its visitor's geolocation/IP address. There is a great number of websites like youractualfeed[.]com, for example, tisinihave[.]biz, tinhisearsh[.]club, centralheat[.]net.

None of these pages are trustworthy and should be visited. It is important to mention that users rarely visit them by themselves.

In most cases, these pages get opened through clicked deceptive ads, visited untrustworthy pages, or installed potentially unwanted applications (PUAs). Ads

What is tisinihave[.]biz?

Tisinihave[.]biz is similar to many other rogue websites that are designed to promote other pages of this kind or load their content (their functionality depends on the visitor's IP address). For example, tinhisearsh[.]club, centralheat[.]net, undwouldm[.]biz.

As a rule, users end up on pages like tisinihave[.]biz by clicking unreliable ads, visiting other untrustworthy pages, or after installing a potentially unwanted app (PUA) on a browser or the operating system. In other words, users do not visit these websites intentionally. It is worth mentioning that most PUAs can be designed to display unwanted ads and gather information about their users.


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