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Ads by Assist Point

What is Assist Point?

Created by SuperWeb LLC, Assist Point is a potentially unwanted browser add-on claiming to enhance the Internet browsing experience by enabling comparison shopping, coupons, and other similar features. This functionality may seem legitimate and useful, however, be aware that Assist Point is classed as adware.

These associations are made due to a deceptive free software marketing method called 'bundling' (stealth installation of additional programs together with the chosen software) employed by Assist Point to infiltrate Internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox) without users' consent.

Following successful infiltration, Assist Point delivers intrusive advertisements such as banners, pop-ups, interstitial, transitional, full-page, and other similar ads that mostly redirect users to bogus websites, and thus causing further computer infections.

ShopScouter Ads

What is ShopScouter?

ShopScouter is a bogus browser extension claiming to save time and money by enabling a feature to display coupons and special deals/discounts on shopping websites. Some users may find this add-on legitimate and useful, however, ShopScouter is classed as adware or a potentially unwanted program (PUP).

The developers of this rogue application employ a deceptive software marketing method called 'bundling' (stealth installation of additional programs together with the chosen software) to install ShopScouter on Internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari) without users' permission.

After successful infiltration, ShopScouter generates various intrusive online advertisements, some of which may redirect to dubious websites, thereby exposing your computer to risk of infection.

Ads by Shopzy

What is Shopzy?

Shopzy is a browser add-on claiming to display coupons and special deals/discounts on shopping websites, thereby supposedly saving time and money. This functionality may seem legitimate and useful, however, Shopzy is categorized as adware.

The reason for this negative association is a deceptive free software marketing method called 'bundling' employed to install Shopzy on Internet browsers without users' permission.

Bundling is a way to stealthily install third-party applications or browser extensions together with regular software, and therefore, most users install this plug-in when downloading free software from freeware download websites. After successful infiltration, Shopzy generates intrusive online advertisements and collects various Internet browsing-related information.

Dragon Branch Ads

What is Dragon Branch?

Developed by SuperWeb LLC, Dragon Branch is a dubious browser plug-in claiming to enhance the Internet browsing experience by enabling various features such as coupons and comparison shopping. Although some users may find this functionality legitimate and useful, Dragon Branch is categorized as adware or a potentially unwanted program (PUP).

The main reason for these associations is a deceptive software marketing method called 'bundling' (stealth installation of third party applications together with the chosen software) employed in Dragon Branch distribution.

After installation on Internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox) without users' consent, Dragon Branch delivers various intrusive online advertisements including banner, pop-up, interstitial, transitional, full-page, and search ads. Some of these ads may redirect to bogus websites, thereby exposing your computer to infection.

Online Video Promoter Adware

What is Online Video Promoter?

Online Video Promoter is a dubious application claiming to help users increase the view count of uploaded videos. Some users may find this functionality legitimate and useful, however, Online Video Promoter is classed as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and adware.

These negative associations are made due to a deceptive software marketing method called 'bundling' (stealth installation of third party apps together with regular software) employed by the developers to install Online Video Promoter on Internet browsers without users' consent.

Following infiltration on Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox, Online Video Promoter generates various intrusive online advertisements. These advertisements often redirect to bogus websites, and therefore, clicking them will expose your computer to risk of infection.

iShopper Ads

What is iShopper?

The developers of iShopper claim that this product will save time and money by enabling comparison shopping, coupons, and displaying special deals/discounts available on shopping websites. On initial inspection, this rogue software may seem legitimate and useful, however, iShopper is classed as a potentially unwanted program (PUP).

This negative association is made due to a deceptive marketing method called 'bundling' (stealth installation of additional programs together with regular software) employed by the developers to distribute iShopper.

After infiltration on Internet browsers, iShopper generates various intrusive online advertisements including coupon, comparison shopping, banner, etc. These ads often redirect to bogus websites containing infectious content, and therefore, clicking them may expose your computer to risk of infection.

Threat Finder Ransomware

What is Threat Finder?

Threat Finder is ransomware distributed via fake downloads (rogue media players, fake Flash updates, etc.), infected e-mail messages, and particularly via the Anger Exploit Kit.

The Threat Finder virus can infect all windows operating systems including Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8. Once the system is successfully infiltrated, Threat Finder encrypts all files stored on the hard drive including *.txt, *.html, *.doc, *.docx, *.jpg, *.png, and many others.

Unlike other similar infections, Threat Finder does not change the names of encrypted files, and therefore, the only indication that your files have been encrypted is when you are unable to open and display them correctly.

After encrypting files, this ransomware creates a HELP_DECRYPT.HTML file on the victim's desktop, which is then opened with the default Internet browser. Users are ordered to pay a 1.25 BTC ransom in the bitcoin currency (approximately US$300) to regain control of their encrypted files.

UnknownFile Adware

What is UnknownFile?

UnknownFile is presented as a legitimate application used for opening files of unknown types. This application may seem legitimate and useful, however, UnknownFile is classed as adware or a potentially unwanted program (PUP).

UnknownFile is distributed using a deceptive software marketing method called 'bundling' (stealth installation of third party applications together with the chosen software), and therefore, users commonly install this adware together with free software downloadable on freeware download websites.

Following successful infiltration on Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox, UnknownFile generates various intrusive online advertisements. Clicking these ads can redirect you to various dubious websites containing infectious content, thereby exposing your computer to infection.

1Player Adware

What is 1Player?

One Floor App Ltd (the developers of this application) claim that 1Player is a great tool, which not only plays various audio and video files, but also improves the quality of playback. Some users may find this app legitimate and useful, however, it is classed as adware or a potentially unwanted program (PUP).

The developers of this application employ a deceptive software marketing method called 'bundling' (stealth installation of third party apps together with the chosen software) to install 1Player on Internet browsers without users' permission.

Following successful infiltration on Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox, 1Player app delivers intrusive online advertisements such as banner, pop-up, etc. These generated advertisements may redirect you to bogus websites, thereby exposing your computer to infection.

Ads by MediaPlayerRS

What is MediaPlayerRS?

The developers of MediaPlayerRS claim that this software will enhance the playing of various media. This functionality may seem legitimate and useful, however, be aware that MediaPlayerRS is classed as adware or a potentially unwanted program (PUP).

The reason for this association is a software marketing method called 'bundling' employed by the developers to stealthily install apps together with regular software.

Following successful infiltration on Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox, MediaPlayerRS delivers intrusive online advertisements (coupons, banners), which redirect users to bogus websites. These websites may contain infectious content, thereby exposing your computer to infection.


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