Virus and Spyware Removal Guides, uninstall instructions

Sound+ Adware

What is Sound+?

Sound+ is presented as a legitimate application used to improve the sound experience - "Do not miss the first high-end HiFi emulator on PC! Increased definition, rediscovered clarity, your music library is totally sublimated." 

These false claims often trick users into believing that Sound+ is a legitimate app, however, due to its rogue behavior, Sound+ is categorized as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and adware. After stealthily infiltrating the system, this rogue program generates intrusive online advertisements and collects data relating to Internet browsing activity. Redirect

What is is presented as a legitimate Internet search website, however, the developers promote it using deceptive software 'installers' that modify web browser settings. Furthermore, Internet browsing activity on the infected computer is continually tracked.

Storm Alert Adware

What is Storm Alert?

Developed by Rational Thought Solutions, Storm Alert is a rogue browser extension claiming to warn users of forthcoming storms. Although this functionality may seem legitimate and useful, be aware that Storm Alert is considered to be a potentially unwanted program (PUP) or adware.

The developers of this rogue application employ a deceptive software marketing method called 'bundling' (stealth installation of additional applications together with chosen software) to install Storm Alert on Internet browsers without users' permission.

Following successful infiltration on Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox, Storm Alert generates various intrusive online advertisements that include (but are not limited to) text, banner, pop-up/pop-under, in-text and interstitial ads. There is a high probability that clicking these advertisements will cause high-risk adware or malware infections. Redirect

What is

Identical to My Weather XPMy Maps XP, and a number of other dubious apps, My Sports XP is a browser hijacker claiming to allow users to watch sports on various streaming sites free of charge - "Watch Live Coverage of Sports Online with easy access to your favorite TV streaming sites." 

These fake promises often trick users to install, since they are unaware that My Sports XP infiltrates systems without permission. In addition, the app modifies web browser (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox) settings, continually tracks Internet browsing activity, and delivers intrusive online advertisements.

DesktopNews Adware

What is DesktopNews?

According to the developers, DesktopNews is a legitimate application that brings all the latest world news directly to the desktop - "DesktopNews Gadget is the easiest way for you to stay update with what is happening in the world." 

On initial inspection, this app might seem legitimate, however, DesktopNews is classed as adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP). The reason for these negative associations is the rogue behavior of DesktopNews, which includes stealth installation, tracking of Internet browsing activity, and display of intrusive online advertisements.

Price Master Ads

What is Price Master?

Price Master supposedly saves time and money while shopping online by providing coupons, notifying users about special deals/discounts available on various online stores, and enabling functionality such as comparison shopping.

Many users believe this app to legitimate and useful, however, due to its rogue behavior, Price Master is categorized as adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP). Price Master infiltrates systems without users’ permission, generates intrusive online advertisements, and continually tracks Internet browsing activity.

Ads by iStreamLite

What is iStreamLite?

iStreamLite is presented as a legitimate application allowing users to download various online streaming videos - "Download streaming videos directly to your desktop".

Initially, this functionality might appear useful, however, be aware that due to its rogue behavior, iStreamLite is categorized as adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP). This application infiltrates systems without users’ permission, generates intrusive online advertisements, and collects information relating to Internet browsing activity.

GoHD Adware

What is GoHD?

The GoHD browser extension claims to enhance the Internet browsing experience by improving YouTube video quality. GoHD, however, is categorized as adware or a potentially unwanted program (PUP).

These associations are made due to a deceptive software marketing method called 'bundling' employed by GoHD to install on Internet browsers together with other software and without users' permission.

Following successful infiltration on Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox, GoHD generates intrusive online advertisements and diminishes browser performance. Redirect

What is

Your Email Center is a browser-hijacking program identical to Your Maps Now, My Coupons XP, My Weather XP, and a number of other potentially unwanted programs (PUP). 

These programs claim to enhance the Internet browsing experience by enabling various 'useful' features (for example, quick access to e-mails, weather forecast, etc.) Fake promises delivered by Your Email Center are simply attempts to trick users to install.

Although this app may seem legitimate, be aware that Your Email Center modifies browser settings, generates intrusive online advertisements, and tracks Internet browsing activity. Redirect

What is

The Start Web (or MyAllSearch) toolbar is a browser add-on created by Iminent and distributed by various free software download websites. This plug-in claims to enhance users' social networking experience by enabling emoticons and smileys. It is compatible with Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox.

Although functionality added by Iminent toolbar may seem legitimate, this toolbar is categorized as adware or a potentially unwanted application since it installs without users' consent and modifies browser settings by assigning the homepage and default search engine fields to


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