Virus and Spyware Removal Guides, uninstall instructions

CryptInfinite Ransomware

What kind of malware is CryptInfinite?

CryptInfinite is a ransomware virus that encrypts files stored on infected systems. It is distributed using various false job applications, business offers, and infected email attachments.

After encrypting the files, CryptInfinite adds a .crypt, .pzdc, or .good extensions to each file. Once the infected computer is restarted, CryptInfinite replaces the desktop wallpaper with an image containing a message, which states that payment of a ransom must be made to receive a key required for file decryption.

Fortunately, CryptInfinite ransomware is decryptable. Redirect

What is SearchGenius?

Developed by SuperWeb LLC, SearchGenius is a deceptive application identical to Search Know and Results Hub. By offering various useful features, SearchGenius often tricks users into believing that it is legitimate and useful, however, this application is categorized as a browser hijacker and a potentially unwanted program (PUP).

One of the main reasons for these negative associations is stealth installation without users' consent. Furthermore, SearchGenius tracks Internet browsing activity, generates intrusive online advertisements, and modifies web browser settings.

Bingo Master Adware

What is Bingo Master?

Bingo Master is a deceptive application claiming to enhance the Internet browsing experience by allowing users to download various content (video, audio, etc.) from websites visited - "The Software enables you to download, play and organize certain third party files, videos, audio and other content ("Third Party Materials) from third party urls and websites (each a "Third Party Service”)".

Some users may consider Bingo Master to be a legitimate application, however, it is categorized as adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP). After infiltrating computer systems and Internet browsers, Bingo Master displays intrusive online advertisements and tracks users' Internet browsing activity.

Ads by Desktop-play

What is Desktop-play?

Desktop-play is a rogue browser plug-in claiming to enable users to find, download, and play various games directly from the desktop. Although some users might find this functionality legitimate and useful, Desktop-play is categorized as adware or a potentially unwanted program (PUP).

The developers of this dubious browser add-on employ a deceptive software marketing method called 'bundling' - stealth installation of third party applications together with regular software.

Once Desktop-play installs on Internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox) without users' consent, this plug-in generates intrusive online advertisements and tracks users' Internet browsing activity.

Savepath Deals Adware

What is Savepath Deals?

Savepath Deals is a rogue browser extension claiming to save time and money by enabling comparison shopping, coupons, and displaying special deals/discounts available within online shopping stores.

Although this functionality may seem useful and legitimate, be aware that Savepath Deals is considered to be adware or a potentially unwanted program (PUP) that employs a deceptive software marketing method called 'bundling' to install on Internet browsers without users' consent.

Bundling allows developers to stealthily distribute their applications together with other software, and therefore, users often install Savepath Deals inadvertently when downloading free software from freeware download websites.

Following successful infiltration on Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox, Savepath Deals generates intrusive online advertisements and tracks users' Internet browsing activity.

GetPrivate Ads

What kind of application is GetPrivate?

GetPrivate is a potentially unwanted program (PUP) claiming to provide users with a free VPN service - "GetPrivate is a VPN (virtual private network) that makes sure all your Internet connections go through our super fast servers located world wide." Some users may find this application legitimate and useful, however, GetPrivate is categorized as adware.

There are two main reasons for this negative association. Firstly, GetPrivate is often distributed as a 'bundle', and thus, installs without users' permission. Secondly, this application displays intrusive online advertisements and collects Internet browsing-related information.

AnySend Unwanted Application

What is AnySend?

The AnySend application claims to allow users to send files directly from their desktops free of charge. This functionality may seem legitimate and useful, however, AnySend is considered to be a potentially unwanted program (PUP).

The developers of this PUP employ a 'bundling' marketing strategy (stealth installation of additional programs together with the chosen software) to install AnySend on Internet browsers without users' permission. Following successful infiltration on Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox, this application records various software and hardware information.

Ads by shopper-z

What is Shopper-z?

Shopper-z is a rogue browser add-on presented as a great tool to save time and money while shopping online by displaying coupons, special deals/discounts, and enabling a comparison shopping function. On initial inspection, this browser extension may seem legitimate and useful, however, Shopper-z is categorized as adware or a potentially unwanted program (PUP).

These associations are made due to a deceptive software marketing method called 'bundling' - stealth installation of third party applications together with regular software.

After installation on Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox without users' consent, this bogus extension generates intrusive online advertisements such as banner, full-up, interstitial, and text-link ads, which are often marked 'Ads by shopper-z'. Notice that some ads might redirect to dubious websites, thereby exposing your computer to risk of infection.

PhraseProfessor Adware

What is PhraseProfessor?

PhraseProfessor is a deceptive browser extension identical to Clever Search, WordAnchor, Word Surfer, WordShark, and other add-ons.

As with all of these plug-ins, PhraseProfessor claims to enable a feature allowing users to search and translate text - "PhraseProfessor is an ad-supported software utility that makes searching and translating information you find online easy. Take any text you see online, highlight it, and PhraseProfessor will show the Wikipedia and Bing results in an in-page window."

These claims may trick some users into believing that Phrase professor is a legitimate and useful application, however, it is categorized as adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP).

The reason for these negative associations is dubious behavior exhibited by this plug-in: stealth installation, display of intrusive online ads (commonly marked as 'Ads by PP'), and tracking of Internet browsing activity.

Price Clip Ads

What is Price Clip?

Created by SuperWeb LLC, Price Clip is a dubious plug-in claiming to improve the Internet browsing experience by enabling various features such as coupons, comparison shopping, etc. This may seem legitimate and useful functionality, however, Price Clip is classed as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) or adware.

Price Clip is distributed using a deceptive software marketing method called 'bundling' (stealth installation of third-party apps together with regular software).

Following installation on Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox without users' consent, Price Clip delivers various intrusive online advertisements including banners, pop-ups, and full-page. Clicking ads generated by this plug-in may redirect you to dubious websites, and thus risk computer infection.


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