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What is

Identical to,, and a number of other bogus sites, is a dubious website claiming to be an Internet search engine. It also contains quick links to other popular sites such as YouTube, Gmail, IMDb, and many others.

On initial inspection, may seem legitimate, however, this site is promoted using dubious software 'installers' that hijack web browsers and modify their settings. In addition, gathers various information relating to users' web browsing activity.

Rokku Ransomware

What is Rokku?

Rokku is a ransomware designed to stealthily infiltrate the system and encrypt various stored files.

It adds a .rokku extension to each compromised file and, thus, it is easy to determine which ones are encrypted. 'README_HOW_TO_UNLOCK.html' and 'README_HOW_TO_UNLOCK.txt' files are then created and placed in each folder containing the encrypted files. README_HOW_TO_UNLOCK contains a message stating that the files have been encrypted.

WindowPolicies Adware

What is WindowPolicies?

WindowPolicies is a deceptive adware-type application developed by Haho Media. This application usually infiltrates systems without users’ permission. Therefore, it is classed as a potentially unwanted program (PUP). Once infiltrated, WindowPolicies generates intrusive online advertisements, and collects various information relating to users' web browsing activity.

DLSecure Toolbar

What is DLSecure toolbar?

The DLSecure toolbar is developed by Visicom Media. This browser toolbar can be downloaded from its homepage, however, it is often 'bundled' with free software downloaded from the Internet. At time of research, this potentially unwanted application was also bundled with fake downloads such as Java, Flash, and browser updates.

Bundling in this manner is a commonly-used and deceptive software marketing method.

When installed, this toolbar assigns the browser homepage to and default Internet search engine to This website alone is not related to malware or virus infections, however, the creators of this toolbar have full control over the software, and thus, are capable of redirecting users to malicious websites at any time.

.Locked Ransomware

What is .Locked?

.Locked is a ransomware-type malware that infiltrates systems via 'trojans'. Once infiltration is successful, this malware encrypts various files stored on the system. To achieve this, ransomware uses the AES-256 encryption algorithm and, therefore, a public and a private key is generated during encryption.

Note that this ransomware adds a '.locked' extension to each encrypted file. After encrypting the files, this ransomware changes the victim's desktop wallpaper and creates a WindowsUpdated.locked file. Both the file and desktop wallpaper contain a message stating that the files are encrypted and the user must pay a ransom.

Free Youtube Download Manager Adware

What is Free Youtube Download Manager?

Developers present Free Youtube Download Manager as an application that supposedly allows users to download videos from YouTube - "Free YouTube Downloader Manager is a tool that allows you to download videos from YouTube and convert them to other video formats for free." 

These fake promises are merely attempts to trick users to install, however, Free Youtube Download Manager is classed as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and adware.

This application is likely to infiltrate systems without users’ permission. Furthermore, Free Youtube Download Manager generates intrusive online advertisements and collects information relating to Internet browsing activity.

Friv Launcher Adware

What is Friv Launcher?

Friv Launcher is adware-type program that supposedly allows users to play various Flash games.

Some users may believe that this functionality is legitimate, however, Friv Launcher is classed as an unwanted program and adware. After infiltrating systems without users’ consent, Friv Launcher generates intrusive online advertisements and continually gathers information relating to users' web browsing activity. Redirect

What is is a rogue website that claims to be a legitimate Internet search engine. This website may appear similar to Google, Bing, and other similar Internet search engines and, thus, many users often believe that is legitimate.

In fact, this bogus website is promoted using browser-hijacking software 'installers', which stealthily modify Internet browser settings. In addition, continually gathers various information relating to users' web browsing activity. Redirect

What is

Identical to, and a number of other dubious sites, is a deceptive website claiming to be an Internet search engine. The appearance of this site is identical to Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other legitimate Internet search engines.

Therefore, users often believe that is legitimate. In fact, this site is promoted using rogue software 'installers', which hijack web browsers. In addition, continually tracks users' web browsing activity.

PDFConverterHQ Toolbar

What is

Developed by Mindspark Interactive Network, PDFConverterHQ is a dubious browser extension claiming to allow users to convert various files (for example, .DOC) to .PDF. Initially, this functionality may seem legitimate, however, PDFConverterHQ often infiltrates systems without users’ permission, hijacks web browsers, and modifies their settings.

Furthermore, this bogus browser toolbar continually tracks users' web browsing activity. It is also classified as a PUA (Potentially Unwanted Application), due to its questionable proliferation methods.


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