Virus and Spyware Removal Guides, uninstall instructions

Ads by GamesBlox

What is GamesBlox?

GamesBlox is a deceptive application that supposedly allows users to play various addictive Flash games. On initial inspection, GamesBlox may seem legitimate and useful, however, this app is classed as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and adware.

One of the main reasons for these negative associations is stealth installation - GamesBlox usually infiltrates systems without users’ permission. Following successful infiltration, GamesBlox generates intrusive online advertisements and tracks Internet browsing activity. Redirect

What is is another fake Internet search engine falsely claiming to generate the most relevant search results. Unfortunately, many users believe that this website is legitimate. For this reason, developers promote via dubious software 'installers', which hijack web browsers.

Furthermore, this dubious site continually records various data relating to users' web browsing activity.

EasyHotspot Adware

What is EasyHotspot?

Developers present EasyHotspot as a legitimate application allowing users to share their Internet connection via a 'hotspot'.

Although this functionality may seem useful, EasyHotspot infiltrates systems without users’ permission. In addition, EasyHotspot continually gathers various user/system information and displays intrusive online advertisements. For these reasons, EasyHotspot is classed as adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP).

.trunCrypt Ransomware

What is .trunCrypt?

.trunCrypt is an updated version of Vault ransomware. Both of these viruses encrypt victims' files. The previous version of this ransomware added a .vault file extension to encrypted files, however, .trunCrypt appends file names with the .trun extension. Cyber criminals distribute .trunCrypt using malicious Javascript files, which are spread via deceptive email messages.

After encrypting the files, .trunCrypt changes the desktop wallpaper with a message stating that the files have been encrypted.

Tide Search Adware

What is Tide Search?

Tide Search is a potentially unwanted program (PUP) that supposedly helps users to search the Internet by improving search results. On initial inspection, this application may seem legitimate and useful, however, Tide Search usually infiltrates systems without users’ permission.

In addition, this PUP continually gathers information relating to users' web browsing activity, generates intrusive online advertisements, and causes unwanted browser redirects. For these reasons, Tide Search is classed as adware.

Search Voyage Ads

What is Search Voyage?

Developed by SuperWeb LLC, Search Voyage is a dubious application that supposedly improves the web search experience - "With many scenic backgrounds, its like taking a virtual voyage while you search, all without ever packing your bags!" On initial inspection, this app may seem legitimate and useful, however, Search Voyage is classed as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and adware.

One of the main reasons for these negative associations is stealth installation - Search Voyage often infiltrates systems without users’ consent. Following successful infiltration, Search Voyage generates intrusive advertisements, causes unwanted browser redirects, and tracks users' web browsing activity. Redirect

What is

SIViewer is a deceptive application that supposedly allows users view various images (for example, .jpg, .gif, etc.). Initially, this app may seem legitimate, however, it is classed as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and a browser hijacker. SIViewer infiltrates systems without users’ permission, gathers various information regarding users' web browsing activity, hijacks Internet browsers, and stealthily modifies browser settings.

Wajam Ads

What is Wajam?

Wajam is a social search engine, a browser add-on, which enhances Internet users' search experience by displaying additional search results related to information their friends share on FaceBook, Twitter, or Google+. This is a useful and popular browser plug-in, however, some computer users report that they observe ads by Wajam, and that they did not willingly install this plug-in.

Note that Wajam is not related to malware or virus infections and is a legitimate browser add-on. This plug-in may inadvertently be installed without consent on users' systems when 'bundled' with free software downloaded from the Internet. Nevertheless, Wajam plug-in installation is not caused by malicious software.

ThinkPoint Fake Antivirus

What is ThinkPoint?

This unwanted program will try to fool you into buying it and the software employs various methods in which to do so. It uses a fake virus scan and displays fake alerts indicating that your computer is infected. After the fake security scan, the rogue program will notify you that C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe is infected. You will then be asked to reboot your computer.

This program is capable of blocking execution of legitimate Windows programs, thus making its removal more complicated. It is important to understand that ThinkPoint is a rogue program that should not be trusted. When installed on your computer, this bogus program will imitate a computer security scan and will attempt to trick you into believing that your PC is infected with critical risk security threats.

ENCRYPTED Ransomware


ENCRYPTED is ransomware-type malware proliferated using email spam. Following infiltration, this ransomware encrypts various data stored on victims' computers. The list of data types targeted by ENCRYPTED includes .pdf, .doc, .ppt, and many other file formats.

During encryption, this ransomware modifies the desktop wallpaper and appends a .encrypted extension to the file names of each encrypted file. This makes it straightforward to determine which files have been compromised. A text file is then created, which contains a message informing users of the encryption.


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