Virus and Spyware Removal Guides, uninstall instructions Redirect

What is is a dubious website claiming to be a legitimate Internet search engine. On initial inspection, this site might seem legitimate however, it is promoted using dubious software 'installers' that hijack Internet browsers. Furthermore, collects various information relating to Internet browsing activity.

BandwidthStat Adware

What is BandwidthStat?

BandwidthStat is a bogus application identical to InterStat. By falsely claiming to enhance the web browsing experience, BandwidthStat often tricks users to install and infiltrates systems without users’ permission. Furthermore, it displays intrusive online advertisements and tracks users' web browsing activity.

For these reasons, BandwidthStat is classed as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and adware. Redirect (Mac)

What is

Identical to,,, and a number of other deceptive websites, is a deceptive site that claims to be a legitimate Internet search engine. By falsely claiming to generate the most relevant search results, attempts to trick users into believing that it is legitimate.

In fact, developers of this bogus site promote it using deceptive software 'installers' designed to hijack web browsers and stealthily modify various settings. In addition, continually tracks users' web browsing activity. Redirect (Mac)

What is is a deceptive website that claims to be a legitimate Internet search engine. Judging on appearance alone, it is very similar to Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other legitimate sites. Therefore, users often believe that is reputable.

In fact, developers promote this website using dubious application installers. Furthermore, continually records information regarding users' web browsing activity.

Ads by Hide My AdBlocker

What is Hide My AdBlocker?

Developed by Yontoo, Hide My AdBlocker is a dubious application claiming to hide the AdBlock extension from AdBlock-detecting scripts implemented on various websites. Initially, this functionality may appear legitimate and useful, however, it is classed as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and adware.

There are three main reasons for these negative associations - stealth installation, tracking of users' web browsing activity, and display of intrusive online advertisements. Redirect

What is

Internet Speed Pilot is a potentially unwanted program (PUP) that supposedly allows users to check their Internet speed. This functionality may appear legitimate and useful, however, Internet Speed Pilot often infiltrates systems without users’ consent.

Furthermore, it hijacks web browsers, delivers intrusive online advertisements, and continually records various information relating to users' web browsing activity. For these reasons, Internet Speed Pilot is classed as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and a browser hijacker.

FunOnlinePlay Adware

What is FunOnlinePlay?

FunOnlinePlay is a potentially unwanted program (PUP) identical to GamesCrystal, Froovr, Gamesopolis, and dozens of other dubious apps. By falsely claiming to allow users to play various addictive arcade games, FunOnlinePlay often tricks users to install.

Be aware, however, that FunOnlinePlay is classed as adware. One of the main reasons for these negative associations is stealth installation. FunOnlinePlay infiltrates systems without users’ permission, generates intrusive online advertisements, and displays various intrusive online advertisements.

RAA Ransomware

What is RAA?

RAA is a ransomware-type virus written in the JavaScript language. It is distributed using malicious email attachments - RAA claims to be a .doc document. Once opened, RAA script creates and opens a fake Word document, which appears corrupted.

Although victims may believe that the opened document (email attachment) is simply corrupted, RAA encrypts files in the background using an asymmetric RSA-256 encryption algorithm.

Furthermore, it appends the name of each encrypted file with the .locked extension - making it straightforward to determine which files are encrypted. A !!!README!!![VICTIM'S-UNIQUE-ID].rtf file is then created, which is placed on the desktop.

Froovr Adware

What is Froovr?

Froovr is a potentially unwanted program identical to GamesCrystal, GamesLagoon, GamingTreasure, and a number of other applications that offer functionality to play various Flash games. 

Initially, Froovr might appear legitimate, however, due to rogue behavior (stealth installation, display of intrusive online advertisements, tracking of users' web browsing activity), Froovr is classed as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and adware.

Ads by Gamesopolis

What is Gamesopolis?

Gamesopolis is a deceptive application claiming to allow users to play various Flash games. On initial inspection, this functionality might appear legitimate and useful, however, this application is classed as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and adware.

Gamesopolis is likely to infiltrate systems without users’ permission, collect various user/system information, and continually delivers intrusive online advertisements.


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