Virus and Spyware Removal Guides, uninstall instructions

Ads by ArcadeCookie

What is ArcadeCookie?

ArcadeCookie is a rogue application that supposedly allows users to play various addictive Flash games.

This functionality may appear legitimate and useful, however, ArcadeCookie is distributed using a deceptive marketing method called "bundling". Furthermore, it records various data types and displays intrusive online advertisements. For these reasons, this app is categorized as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and adware.

REKTLocker Ransomware

What is REKTLocker?

REKTLocker is ransomware-type malware that stealthily infiltrates the system and encrypts various files. During encryption, REKTLocker appends names of encrypted files with ".rekt" extensions and, thus, it is straightforward to determine which files are encrypted.

Following successful encryption, REKTLocker changes the desktop wallpaper, and creates a text file ("Readme.txt") and places it on the desktop.


What is Hitler-Ransomware?

Hitler-Ransomware is file-encrypting malware distributed as a bundle with rogue applications. Following infiltration, Hitler-Ransomware displays a lock screen claiming that files have been encrypted. In fact, this ransomware does not encrypt files, but removes file extensions.

The lock screen also contains a timer (a 1-hour countdown) indicating time remaining until deletion of the files. To supposedly restore the "encrypted" files, victims must pay a ransom. Redirect

What is

Designed by SaferBrowser, Track This Package is a rogue application that supposedly allows users to track the status of various package deliveries. On initial inspection, Track This Package may seem legitimate, however, be aware that this app usually infiltrates systems without users' permission.

In addition, it records various data relating to Internet browsing activity, causes unwanted browser redirects, and delivers intrusive advertisements. For these reasons, Track This Package is classed as a browser hijacker and a potentially unwanted program (PUP). Redirect

What is

My Recipes XP is a rogue application developed by SaferBrowser that claims to allow access to thousands of food recipes. My Recipes XP attempts to trick users into believing that it is a legitimate application, however, it usually infiltrates systems without users' consent.

Furthermore, this app causes unwanted browser redirects, delivers intrusive online ads, and continually monitors Internet browsing activity. For these reasons, My Recipes XP is classed as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and a browser hijacker. Redirect

What is

My News Wire is a deceptive application developed by SaferBrowser. By claiming to provide various popular news channels, My News Wire attempts to give the impression of legitimate software. Be aware, however, that this application often infiltrates systems without users' permission.

Furthermore, My News Wire stealthily modifies web browser settings, displays intrusive online advertisements, and monitors users' Internet browsing activity. For these reasons, this app is classed as a browser hijacker and a potentially unwanted program (PUP). Redirect

What is

Developed by SaferBrowser, Go Maps is a rogue application that supposedly provides various maps and driving directions.

This app may appear legitimate and useful, however, due to rogue behavior (stealth infiltration without users' consent, modification of browser settings, display of intrusive online ads, and tracking of Internet browsing activity), Go Maps is categorized as a browser hijacker and a potentially unwanted program (PUP).



PDFDEFAULT is a deceptive application that falsely claims to significantly enhance the Internet browsing experience. On initial inspection, PDFDEFAULT may seem legitimate and useful, however, this application displays various intrusive online advertisements, collects various data types, and causes unwanted browser redirects.

Furthermore, it often infiltrates systems without users' permission. For these reasons, it is classed as adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP).

Cerber2 Ransomware [Updated]

What is Cerber2?

Cerber2 is an updated version of a ransomware-type virus named Cerber. Both behave have similar behavior - computer infiltration and encryption of various files. Note, however, that unlike the previous version, Cerber2 appends the names of encrypted files with the ".cerber2", rather than ".cerber" extension. 

Furthermore, this new version changes the desktop wallpaper to a different image. The ransom-demand message presented in the new wallpaper, however, is identical the original (only the payment links have changed).

As with the original Cerber, this new version also creates three files ("# DECRYPT MY FILES #.txt", "# DECRYPT MY FILES #.html", and "# DECRYPT MY FILES #.vbs") and places them on the desktop.

My WebEnhancer Adware (Mac)

What is My WebEnhancer?

My WebEnhancer is a deceptive application identical to ShoppyTool, SmartShoppy, WebShoppers, and a number of other PUPs. By falsely claiming to save time and money when shopping online, My WebEnhancer attempts to give the impression of legitimate software.

Be aware, however, that My WebEnhancer delivers intrusive online advertisements and tracks Internet browsing activity. Furthermore, this app often infiltrates systems without users' permission. For these reasons, My WebEnhancer is classed as adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP).


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