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What is

MyGamesTab is a deceptive application identical to MyDrivingTab and MoviesNewTab. By falsely claiming to allow users to play various games directly from the web browser, MyGamesTab attempts to give the impression of legitimacy, however, this app is likely to infiltrate systems without users' consent.

Furthermore, MyGamesTab stealthily modifies web browser settings and continually records various user/system information. Therefore, this app is categorized as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and a browser hijacker.

Ads by AstrologyBuzz

What is AstrologyBuzz?

AstrologyBuzz is a deceptive application claiming to allow users to read horoscopes, solve quizzes, and use other similar features. These false claims often trick users into believing that AstrologyBuzz is legitimate and useful, however, this app is categorized as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and adware.

There are three main reasons for these negative associations: 1) stealth installation without permission; 2) tracking of web browsing activity, and; 3) display of intrusive online advertisements.

ArcadeBunny Adware

What is ArcadeBunny?

ArcadeBunny is a deceptive application identical to GamesLava, DestinyGaze, SultanArcade, and a number of other rogue programs. By falsely claiming to allow users to play various addictive arcade games, ArcadeBunny attempts to give the impression of legitimacy.

In fact, this app often infiltrates systems without users' consent. Furthermore, ArcadeBunny generates intrusive online advertisements and collects information relating to users' Internet browsing activity. For these reasons, this app is categorized as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and adware.

Ads by GamesLava

What is GamesLava?

Identical to SultanArcade, ArcadeBayou, ArcadeCookie, and a number of other rogue apps, GamesLava is a deceptive application falsely claiming to allow users to play various addictive arcade games. Initially, this functionality may appear legitimate, however, GamesLava often infiltrates systems without users' permission.

Furthermore, this app track web browsing activity and delivers intrusive online advertisements. For these reasons, this app is categorized as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and adware.

DestinyGaze Adware

What is DestinyGaze?

DestinyGaze is a deceptive application identical to GrizzlyQuiz and QuizCrystal. By falsely claiming to allow users to read horoscopes, solve various quizzes, and provide other similar features, DestinyGaze often tricks users to install. In fact, this app is classed as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and adware.

There are three main reasons for these negative associations: 1) stealth installation without users' consent; 2) display of intrusive online advertisements, and; 3) tracking of web browsing activity.

KawaiiLocker Ransomware

What is KawaiiLocker?

KawaiiLocker is ransomware-type virus that stealthily infiltrates the system and encrypts various files (for example, .doc, .ppt, .php, .mp4, etc.) Unlike other ransomware, KawaiiLocker does not change names of encrypted files or append any extension to them. Therefore, it is difficult to determine which files are encrypted.

Following successful encryption, KawaiiLocker deletes file shadow volume copies by executing the "vssadmin delete shadows /for=C:\/all" command. Furthermore, KawaiiLocker creates "crypt_list.txt" (list of encrypted files) and "HOW DECRYPT FILES.txt" (ransom-demand message), placing these files on the victim's desktop.

Ads by GrizzlyQuiz

What is GrizzlyQuiz?

Identical to QuizCrystal, GrizzlyQuiz is a deceptive application claiming to allow users to check the latest horoscopes and solve various quizzes. These claims often trick users into believing that GrizzlyQuiz is legitimate. Be aware, however, that this rogue app often infiltrates systems without users' permission.

Furthermore, it displays intrusive online advertisements and continually gathers information relating to users' web browsing activity. For these reasons, GrizzlyQuiz is classed as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and adware. Redirect

What is

Get Local News Now is a deceptive application claiming to allow users to watch various news channels live, directly from the web browser. Initially, this functionality may appear legitimate and useful, however, be aware that Get Local News Now is categorized as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and a browser hijacker.

There are four reasons for these negative associations: 1) Get Local News Now often infiltrates systems without users' permission; 2) this application continually monitors web browsing activity; 3) it stealthily modifies web browser settings, and; 4) Get Local News Now delivers intrusive online advertisements.

RarVault Ransomware

What is RarVault?

RarVault is a ransomware that supposedly encrypts files. Following successful infiltration, RarVault moves various files to a password-protected .rar archive stored in a "RarVault" folder, placed in the root partition (e.g., C:\, D:\, E:\, etc.). After "encrypting" victim's files, RarVault creates an htm file ("RarVault.htm") and places it on the desktop. This file redirects victims to RarVault's website, which contains a ransom-demand message.

RansomCuck Ransomware

What is RansomCuck?

RansomCuck is a ransomware-type virus identical to Nullbyte. Once infiltrated, RansomCuck encrypts files using asymmetric encryption. During encryption, RansomCuck appends names of encrypted files with the ".encrypt" extension (e.g., encrypted "sample.jpg" is renamed to "sample.jpg.encrypt").

Thus, it is easy to determine which files are encrypted. Following successful encryption, RansomCuck opens a pop-up window and creates a text file ("RansomCuck.txt"), which is placed on the desktop. Both contain an identical ransom-demand message.


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