Do not trust fake pages claiming you were fined for visiting porn websites
Written by Tomas Meskauskas on (updated)
What kind of scam is "Fine For Visiting Pornographic Websites"?
Our researchers discovered the "Fine For Visiting Pornographic Websites" scam during a routine investigative session of deceptive websites. We found three variants; more are not unlikely. The known versions targeted users in the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and India.
The scheme claims that the user has been issued a fine for visiting sites that host pornography and warns that failing to pay can result in serious legal repercussions, including potential imprisonment. This scam may target credit card information or seek to trick victims into sending money to scammers.
"Fine For Visiting Pornographic Websites" scam overview
There are at least three versions of the "Fine For Visiting Pornographic Websites" scam – one in English/Arabic, one in English/Indian and one in Arabic language only. These schemes target users located in India, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia – countries with strict anti-pornography laws. However, this type of scam could also target users from other countries.
To expand upon this scheme, when a site hosting it is accessed – the webpage is displayed in full-screen mode and includes a fake Windows taskbar. Thus, the user is presented with what seems to be their device's interface with an opened browser (applies to all three variants). Additionally, the text on the deceptive pages is read out loud to the visitor (i.e., websites play an audio message).
The scam claims that the visitor's computer/browser has been blocked due to law violations. Allegedly, multiple visits to sites hosting prohibited pornographic content (e.g., featuring minors, violence, homosexuality, immoral behavior, etc.) have been detected. Some versions also mention the illegal use of VPN (Virtual Private Network) clients.
The appropriate sections of law can be quoted by the scheme. Due to the discovered violations, the user's browser/system was blocked, and they were issued a fine. At the time of writing, the sums were 3,000 AED (United Arab Emirates Dirham), 1,500 SAR (Saudi Riyal), and 31,000 INR (Indian Rupee); note that the sums may differ.
The scam gives 1 to 12 hours to pay the fine. Refusal to pay and attempts to unblock the browser/system can lead to serious legal or even criminal consequences, such as an increased fine (e.g., 25,000 AED, 10,000,000 SAR, 500,000 INR), device data deletion, criminal charges, corporal punishment, or imprisonment (e.g., 2 - 5 years).
It must be emphasized that the claims made by the "Fine For Visiting Pornographic Websites" websites are false, and this scam is not associated with any legitimate authorities.
These fraudulent pages include a tab for entering credit/debit card information to settle the bogus fine. The purpose could be phishing – i.e., to steal entered credit/debit card details. Scammers can use compromised financial data to make fraudulent transactions or online purchases. However, the scam might seek to trick users into transferring money to the cyber criminals directly.
To summarize, victims of scams like "Fine For Visiting Pornographic Websites" can experience severe privacy issues, financial losses, and even identity theft.
Should it be impossible to close the deceptive page – end the browser's process using Task Manager. Remember that restoring the previous browsing session will reopen the scam site; therefore, start a new one when relaunching the browser.
If you have disclosed personally identifiable or finance-related data to scammers (e.g., passport scans/photos, ID card details, credit/debit card numbers, etc.) – contact relevant authorities without delay.
Name | "Fine For Visiting Pornographic Websites" scam website |
Threat Type | Phishing, Scam, Social Engineering, Fraud |
Fake Claim | User has been issued a fine for visiting websites that host prohibited pornography. |
Related Domains | sasterk[.]cyou, aesterk[.]cyou, adsockeeeme[.]cyou, aesacksis[.]cyou, inksecdip[.]icu, sasecdip[.]icu |
VirusTotal Detections and Serving IP Addresses | aesacksis[.]cyou (, inksecdip[.]icu (, sasecdip[.]icu ( |
Distribution methods | Compromised websites, rogue online pop-up ads, potentially unwanted applications. |
Damage | Loss of sensitive private information, monetary loss, identity theft, possible malware infections. |
Malware Removal (Windows) | To eliminate possible malware infections, scan your computer with legitimate antivirus software. Our security researchers recommend using Combo Cleaner. |
Online scams in general
We have written about thousands of scams. Pornography-themed lures are essential to sextortion scams and common for technical support scams.
"Your System Was Breached By Remote Desktop Protocol", "I've Got Access To Your Smartphone", "Is Visiting A More Convenient Way To Reach" – are just a few examples of the former, and "Pornography Warning Error", "PORNOGRAPHIC VIRUS ALERT FROM MICROSOFT", "Child Pornography Access detected" – of the latter.
Various false claims are used to gain and subsequently abuse victims' trust, such as claims concerning law violations, blackmail attempts, system infections, software updates, subscription cancellations/renewals, refunds, account issues, lotteries, product promotions, giveaways, and so on.
Schemes can differ greatly in appearance and utilized mechanisms, yet their end goal is the same – to generate revenue at victims' expense.
How did I open a scam website?
Online scams are primarily promoted via websites that use rogue advertising networks, intrusive ads (malvertising), spam (e.g., browser notifications, emails, PMs/DMs, social media/ forum posts, SMSes, etc.), misspelled URLs (typosquatting), and adware.
How to avoid visiting scam websites?
We strongly advise exercising caution when browsing since fraudulent and dangerous online contact usually appears legitimate and innocuous.
Therefore, pay attention to URLs and enter them carefully. Do not use websites offering pirated content or other dubious services (e.g., illegal streaming/downloading, Torrenting, etc.), as these webpages are usually monetized via rogue advertising networks that are known to promote deceptive/malicious sites.
Do not permit suspicious pages to deliver browser notifications; instead, ignore or deny their requests (i.e., select "Block", "Block Notifications", etc.). Treat incoming emails and other messages with care; do not open attachments or links found in suspect/irrelevant mail.
Download from official/trustworthy sources and be attentive when installing content (e.g., read terms, explore options, use "Custom/Advanced" settings, and opt out of additional apps, extensions, etc.) – to prevent bundled/hazardous software (like adware) from infiltrating the system.
If your computer is already infected, we recommend running a scan with Combo Cleaner Antivirus for Windows to automatically eliminate all threats.
Text presented in the scam variant that targets users in the United Arab Emirates:
Your computer has been blocked
Decree No. 739-385
Your computer has been blocked due to repeated visits to pornographic sites containing materials prohibited by the laws of the United Arab Emirates, namely, pornography promoting pedophilia, violence and homosexuality.
You must pay a fine of AED 3000 by credit card as prescribed by UAE penal code Article 354,364,358.
Article No. 354 (1) A person who watch, or displays in public obscene objects such as documents, drawings or recording media contained in electronic or magnetic records and using VPN is punished by imprisonment for 5 years, a fine of AED 25,000, or both imprisonment and a fine. The same applies to a person who distributes obscene records including electronic or magnetic records through the transmission of telecommunications and using VPN.
(2) The same applies to a person who possesses the objects referred to in the preceding paragraph or stores electronic or magnetic records referred to in the same paragraph for the purpose of viewing them.
Your browser will be unlocked automatically after the fine payment.
Attention! In case of non-payment of the fine, or your attempts to unlock the device independently , case materials will be transfered to Ministry of Law for the institution of criminal proceedings against you due to commitment a crime.
Pay the fine within 12 hours.
Appearance of a "Fine For Visiting Pornographic Websites" scam (GIF):
Screenshot of a "Fine For Visiting Pornographic Websites" scam variant (targeting users in India):
Text presented in this variant:
Your computer has been blocked!
Indian Penal Code act8 Section 1860/292,293
Your browser has been blocked!
Urgent Notice: The Ministry of Home Affairs of India has identified multiple instances of your access to pornographic websites containing highly illegal content, strictly prohibited under Indian law. This includes materials depicting violence, pedophilia, and the promotion of immoral behavior. Such actions are grave violations of the law, and as a result, your access has been immediately suspended.
You are hereby instructed to pay a fine of 31,000 rupees via bank card in order to unlock your device.
Failure to remit the fine within 1 hour or any attempt to bypass the payment will result in the permanent destruction of all data on your device, with no possibility of recovery. This measure is being taken to prevent the further proliferation of prohibited content.
Additionally, all information regarding this offense will be handed over to the Indian authorities. A law enforcement team will be dispatched to apprehend you at your location, and criminal charges will be brought against you under Indian law. If convicted, you will face severe legal consequences.
Legal Consequences:
Section 292 of the Indian Penal Code: Any individual distributing or publicly displaying obscene materials, including documents, images, or digital content, may face up to 2 years of imprisonment and a fine of up to 250,000 rupees. Repeated offenses or the storage of such material with the intent to view it can result in both imprisonment and a fine.
Section 293 of the Indian Penal Code: The distribution of especially egregious content, including child pornography or content promoting violence, is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of up to 500,000 rupees or more. Repeat offenders will face significantly harsher penalties, including prolonged imprisonment.
Immediate Payment Required: Any attempt to delay the payment or bypass the system will be viewed as an attempt to evade justice and will result in the escalation of this matter to the Ministry of Justice of India, leading to more severe criminal prosecution.
Do not underestimate the gravity of this situation—take immediate action to avoid further consequences.
Screenshot of a "Fine For Visiting Pornographic Websites" scam variant (targeting users in Saudi Arabia):
Text presented in this variant:
تم حظر متصفحك!
إشعار عاجل: تم اكتشاف عدة حالات من وصولك إلى مواقع تحتوي على محتوى غير قانوني تمامًا، وهو محظور بموجب قوانين المملكة العربية السعودية والشريعة الإسلامية. يشمل ذلك مواد تعرض العنف، الاعتداءات الجنسية على الأطفال، وترويج سلوكيات غير أخلاقية. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تم حظر متصفحك بسبب استخدامك لشبكة VPN للوصول إلى المحتوى المحظور، وهو أيضًا انتهاك صارخ للقوانين في المملكة. تعتبر هذه الأفعال انتهاكًا شديدًا للقانون، ولهذا تم تعليق وصولك على الفور.
يتم طلب منك دفع غرامة قدرها 1,500 ريال سعودي عبر بطاقة مصرفية لاستعادة إمكانية الوصول إلىجهازك.
تحذير شديد:
إذا لم تقم بدفع الغرامة خلال 12 ساعة أو حاولت تجاوز الدفع، سيتم تدمير جميع البيانات الموجودة على جهازك بشكل دائم ولن يكون هناك أي إمكانية لاسترجاعها. يتم اتخاذ هذا الإجراء لمنع انتشار المحتوى المحظور والتهديد الأمني الذي قد يسببه.
علاوة على ذلك، سيتم إحالة جميع المعلومات المتعلقة بهذا الانتهاك إلى السلطات السعودية. سيتم إشعار السلطات الأمنية، وسيتم توجيه التهم الجنائية إليك بموجب القوانين السعودية والشريعة الإسلامية. في حال إدانته، ستواجه عواقب قانونية شديدة، بما في ذلك احتمال اعتقالك ومحاكمتك.
العواقب القانونية:
نظام مكافحة الجرائم الإلكترونية في المملكة العربية السعودية (المادة 6): أي شخص يقوم بنشر أو توزيع أو عرض مواد إباحية أو غير أخلاقية أو ينتهك الأنظمة المتعلقة بالأمن السيبراني قد يواجه عقوبة السجن لمدة تصل إلى 5 سنوات وغرامة تصل إلى 3 ملايين ريال سعودي. تشمل هذه العقوبات استخدام VPN للوصول إلى المحتوى المحظور.
الشريعة الإسلامية (المادة 34): بموجب الشريعة الإسلامية، فإن نشر أو استهلاك المحتوى غير الأخلاقي أو الإباحي قد يؤدي إلى عقوبات شديدة، بما في ذلك الجلد، السجن، أو حتى الإعدام، خاصة بالنسبة للمخالفين المتكررين. سيتم تطبيق عقوبات الشريعة وفقًا لطبيعة الجريمة وقد تشمل عقوبات قاسية على الأشخاص الذين يروجون أو يتعاملون مع المحتوى المحظور.
نظام مكافحة الجرائم الإلكترونية (المادة 13): استخدام VPN أو تقنيات مماثلة للوصول إلى المواد المحظورة قد يؤدي إلى السجن لفترات طويلة وغرامات مالية ضخمة قد تصل إلى 10 ملايين ريال سعودي. يتعرض المخالفون المتكررون لعقوبات أشد، بما في ذلك السجن المطول، أو العقوبات الجسدية، أو عقوبات أخرى شديدة كما يحددها القضاء الشرعي.
الدفع الفوري مطلوب: أي محاولة لتأجيل الدفع أو تجاوز النظام ستعتبر محاولة للتهرب من العدالة، مما سيؤدي إلى تصعيد القضية إلى وزارة الداخلية والسلطات القضائية، مما سيؤدي إلى مزيد من التحقيقات القانونية تحت القوانين المدنية والشريعة الإسلامية.
لا تستهين بخطورة هذا الوضع. يجب عليك اتخاذ إجراء فوري لتجنب العواقب القانونية الشديدة، بما في ذلك السجن لفترات طويلة، العقوبات الجسدية، واحتمال الإعدام. مستقبلك مهدد، ويجب أن تتصرف بسرعة لتجنب هذه العواقب.
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Quick menu:
- What is "Fine For Visiting Pornographic Websites" scam website?
- How to identify a pop-up scam?
- How do pop-up scams work?
- How to remove fake pop-ups?
- How to prevent fake pop-ups?
- What to do if you fell for a pop-up scam?
How to identify a pop-up scam?
Pop-up windows with various fake messages are a common type of lures cybercriminals use. They collect sensitive personal data, trick Internet users into calling fake tech support numbers, subscribe to useless online services, invest in shady cryptocurrency schemes, etc.
While in the majority of cases these pop-ups don't infect users' devices with malware, they can cause direct monetary loss or could result in identity theft.
Cybercriminals strive to create their rogue pop-up windows to look trustworthy, however, scams typically have the following characteristics:
- Spelling mistakes and non-professional images - Closely inspect the information displayed in a pop-up. Spelling mistakes and unprofessional images could be a sign of a scam.
- Sense of urgency - Countdown timer with a couple of minutes on it, asking you to enter your personal information or subscribe to some online service.
- Statements that you won something - If you haven't participated in a lottery, online competition, etc., and you see a pop-up window stating that you won.
- Computer or mobile device scan - A pop-up window that scans your device and informs of detected issues - is undoubtedly a scam; webpages cannot perform such actions.
- Exclusivity - Pop-up windows stating that only you are given secret access to a financial scheme that can quickly make you rich.
Example of a pop-up scam:
How do pop-up scams work?
Cybercriminals and deceptive marketers usually use various advertising networks, search engine poisoning techniques, and shady websites to generate traffic to their pop-ups. Users land on their online lures after clicking on fake download buttons, using a torrent website, or simply clicking on an Internet search engine result.
Based on users' location and device information, they are presented with a scam pop-up. Lures presented in such pop-ups range from get-rich-quick schemes to fake virus scans.
How to remove fake pop-ups?
In most cases, pop-up scams do not infect users' devices with malware. If you encountered a scam pop-up, simply closing it should be enough. In some cases scam, pop-ups may be hard to close; in such cases - close your Internet browser and restart it.
In extremely rare cases, you might need to reset your Internet browser. For this, use our instructions explaining how to reset Internet browser settings.
How to prevent fake pop-ups?
To prevent seeing pop-up scams, you should visit only reputable websites. Torrent, Crack, free online movie streaming, YouTube video download, and other websites of similar reputation commonly redirect Internet users to pop-up scams.
To minimize the risk of encountering pop-up scams, you should keep your Internet browsers up-to-date and use reputable anti-malware application. For this purpose, we recommend Combo Cleaner Antivirus for Windows.
What to do if you fell for a pop-up scam?
This depends on the type of scam that you fell for. Most commonly, pop-up scams try to trick users into sending money, giving away personal information, or giving access to one's device.
- If you sent money to scammers: You should contact your financial institution and explain that you were scammed. If informed promptly, there's a chance to get your money back.
- If you gave away your personal information: You should change your passwords and enable two-factor authentication in all online services that you use. Visit Federal Trade Commission to report identity theft and get personalized recovery steps.
- If you let scammers connect to your device: You should scan your computer with reputable anti-malware (we recommend Combo Cleaner Antivirus for Windows) - cyber criminals could have planted trojans, keyloggers, and other malware, don't use your computer until removing possible threats.
- Help other Internet users: report Internet scams to Federal Trade Commission.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is a pop-up scam?
Basically, pop-up scams are deceptive messages intended to trick users into performing certain actions. For example, victims can be enticed/scared into disclosing sensitive information, sending money to scammers, downloading/installing software, purchasing products, subscribing to services, calling fake helplines, etc.
What is the purpose of a pop-up scam?
The purpose of pop-up scams is to generate revenue for scammers. Cyber criminals primarily profit by selling/abusing private data, endorsing content (e.g., websites, products, services, etc.), obtaining funds through deception, and proliferating malware.
I have provided my personal information when tricked by a scam, what should I do?
If you have provided personally identifiable or finance-related information (e.g., ID card details, passport photos/scans, credit/debit card numbers, etc.) – immediately contact the appropriate authorities. And if you have disclosed your log-in credentials – change the passwords of all potentially exposed accounts and inform their official support without delay.
I cannot exit a scam page, how do I close it?
If you cannot exit a scam page – end the browser's process using Task Manager. It is pertinent to mention that restoring the previous browsing session will reopen the deceptive website. Therefore, start a new session when reaccessing the browser.
Why do I encounter fake pop-ups?
Pop-up scams are most commonly promoted via websites that employ rogue advertising networks, spam (e.g., emails, DMs/PMs, SMSes, browser notifications, social media posts, etc.), malvertising, typosquatting, and adware.
Will Combo Cleaner protect me from pop-up scams?
Combo Cleaner is designed to scan visited websites and detect rogue, deceptive/scam, and malicious pages. Should you happen upon such a site – Combo Cleaner will immediately warn you and restrict all further access to it.
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