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Total: 150 results found.

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31. Fog Ransomware
(PCrisk/Removal guides)
What kind of malware is Fog? Fog is ransomware designed to encrypt files and append the ".FOG" or ".FLOCKED" extension to filenames. For instance, it renames "1.jpg" to "1.jpg.FOG" (or "1.jpg.FLOCKED") ...
... passwords to financial details, send malicious files or links to other people, download malware (e.g., ransomware) on computers, or perform other malicious actions. Thus, emails of this type should be ...
33. DORRA Ransomware
(PCrisk/Removal guides)
What kind of malware is DORRA? While examining malware samples submitted to VirusTotal, we discovered a ransomware variant belonging to the Makop family known as DORRA. This ransomware is designed to ...
34. RansomHub Ransomware
(PCrisk/Removal guides)
What kind of malware is RansomHub? RansomHub is ransomware, a type of malware that encrypts files and provides victims with instructions on how to pay for their decryption. Additionally, RansomHub renames ...
35. Orbit Ransomware
(PCrisk/Removal guides)
What kind of malware is Orbit? Orbit is ransomware that our team discovered while inspecting samples submitted to VirusTotal. This ransomware encrypts and renames files (it appends a string of random ...
36. Anonymous Encryptor Ransomware
(PCrisk/Removal guides)
... we determined that it is identical to two ransomware-type programs – GhosHacker and BlackSkull. Anonymous Encryptor ransomware encrypts files and appends their filenames with a ".Anonymous" extension. ...
37. Watz Ransomware
(PCrisk/Removal guides)
What kind of malware is Watz? During our analysis of samples uploaded to the VirusTotal page, we discovered a ransomware variant belonging to the Djvu family known as Watz. This variant encrypts files ...
38. PartiZAN32 Ransomware
(PCrisk/Removal guides)
What kind of malware is PartiZAN32? PartiZAN32 is a ransomware variant from the Xorist family. Our team discovered PartiZAN32 during an analysis of samples uploaded to the VirusTotal website. PartiZAN32 ...
... malicious software can be a trojan, ransomware, cryptocurrency miner, and so on. Scammers can ask for confidential, compromising, or other incredibly sensitive information. They may obtain it by having ...
40. Waqa Ransomware
(PCrisk/Removal guides)
What kind of malware is Waqa? Waqa is ransomware from the Djvu family that encrypts files and appends its extension (".waqa") to filenames. Also, Waqa drops a ransom note (a text file named "_readme.txt"). ...
... as viruses, ransomware, or spyware. Droppers themselves do not usually cause direct damage, but are crucial for accessing and implementing harmful software packages on the affected systems. Droppers ...
42. Chaddad Ransomware
(PCrisk/Removal guides)
What kind of malware is Chaddad? Our researchers discovered Chaddad ransomware during a routine inspection of new submissions to the VirusTotal platform. After acquiring a sample of Chaddad, we launched ...
43. Lexus Ransomware
(PCrisk/Removal guides)
What kind of malware is Lexus? Lexus ransomware is a malware designed to encrypt files. We discovered it while inspecting malware samples submitted to VirusTotal. In addition to encrypting files, Lexus ...
44. Products We Want To Purchase Email Virus
(PCrisk/Removal guides)
... List For The Group" are just some of our newest articles on malspam. These emails proliferate all kinds of malware – various trojan-types, ransomware, cryptocurrency miners, etc. Additionally, spam letters ...
45. EUROJACKPOT Email Scam
(PCrisk/Removal guides)
... advance fee, refund, tech support, sextortion, etc. This mail is also used to distribute malware (e.g., trojans, ransomware, cryptominers, etc.). Spam emails are often poorly constructed and full of ...
46. QRYPT Ransomware
(PCrisk/Removal guides)
What kind of malware is QRYPT? QRYPT is a ransomware variant that we have discovered while examining malware samples uploaded to the VirusTotal page. This ransomware is designed to encrypt files, append ...
47. Boost Ransomware
(PCrisk/Removal guides)
What kind of malware is Boost? While examining malware samples submitted to VirusTotal, we discovered a ransomware variant known as Boost. This variant is part of the Dharma ransomware family. Once executed, ...
48. Wintz Ransomware
(PCrisk/Removal guides)
What kind of malware is Wintz? Our researchers discovered Wintz ransomware while investigating new file submissions to the VirusTotal platform. This malicious program is based on the Chaos ransomware. ...
49. Nett Ransomware
(PCrisk/Removal guides)
What kind of malware is Nett? While investigating file submissions to the VirusTotal site, our researchers discovered a malicious program called Nett. It belongs to the MedusaLocker ransomware family. ...
50. Zonix Ransomware
(PCrisk/Removal guides)
What kind of malware is Zonix? Our research team found Zonix while investigating new submissions to the VirusTotal platform. Zonix belongs to the Xorist ransomware family. This malware encrypts data ...
51. CAMBIARE ROTTA Ransomware
(PCrisk/Removal guides)
What kind of malware is CAMBIARE ROTTA? CAMBIARE ROTTA is a malicious program based on Chaos ransomware. Malware within this classification (ransomware) typically operates by encrypting data to demand ...
52. Interpol Email Virus
(PCrisk/Removal guides)
... video, etc.), replacing clipboard data, and so forth. Another prevalent type is ransomware. It encrypts files and/or locks device screens in order to demand ransoms for decryption/ access recovery. Cryptominers ...
53. SRC Ransomware
(PCrisk/Removal guides)
What kind of malware is SRC? During our examination of malware samples uploaded to VirusTotal, we discovered a ransomware variant known as SRC. We found that this ransomware variant belongs to the Makop ...
54. EMBARGO Ransomware
(PCrisk/Removal guides)
What kind of malware is EMBARGO? EMBARGO is ransomware, a type of malware that encrypts files on the infected device. Also, it appends a random extension to filenames and creates a ransom note "HOW_TO_RECOVER_FILES.txt". ...
55. Anyv Ransomware
(PCrisk/Removal guides)
What kind of malware is Anyv? While investigating new file submissions to the VirusTotal platform, our researchers discovered the Anyv ransomware. Malicious software within this classification encrypts ...
... for distributing wiper malware and ransomware. It has also been seen leaking confidential data stolen during attack campaigns under the hacktivist pseudonym Karma, sometimes spelled KarMa. Void Manticore's ...
57. ZHO Ransomware
(PCrisk/Removal guides)
What kind of malware is ZHO? While browsing malware submissions to the VirusTotal platform, our researchers discovered a malicious program named ZHO. It is based on Chaos ransomware. Once launched ...
58. OCEANS Ransomware
(PCrisk/Removal guides)
What kind of malware is OCEANS? During our examination of the OCEANS malware, we found that it operates as ransomware. Once a computer is compromised, OCEANS encrypts files and appends four random characters ...
59. Veza Ransomware
(PCrisk/Removal guides)
What kind of malware is Veza? Veza is a ransomware variant from the Djvu family that we discovered during analysis of malware samples uploaded to VirusTotal. We found that apart from encrypting files, ...
60. GhosHacker Ransomware
(PCrisk/Removal guides)
What kind of malware is GhosHacker? Our researchers found GhosHacker ransomware while inspecting new submissions to the VirusTotal platform. This malicious program is identical to BlackSkull ransomware. ...
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