Virus and Spyware Removal Guides, uninstall instructions

*.zzzzz Ransomware

What is *.zzzzz?

*.zzzzz is a new variant of Locky ransomware. Apart from minor differences, it is also identical to *.thor, *.odin, and *.aesir.

Following infiltration, *.zzzzz encrypts various files using asymmetric encryption algorithm and renames them using the "[8_random_characters]-[4_random_characters]-[4_random_characters]-[4_random_characters]-[12_random_characters].zzzzz" pattern.

Following successful encryption, *.zzzzz creates three files ("-INSTRUCTION.html", "_6-INSTRUCTION.html", and "-INSTRUCTION.bmp"), places them on the desktop, and changes the desktop wallpaper. Redirect

What is

Developers present as a legitimate Internet search engine that generates improved search results, thereby enhancing the Internet browsing experience. On initial inspection, may seem very similar to Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other legitimate search engines.

Therefore, many users believe that is also legitimate. In fact, this site is promoted via deceptive software download/installation set-ups that hijack web browsers and modify various options without users' consent. In addition, continually monitors users' Internet browsing activity.

NMoreira Ransomware

What is NMoreira?

NMoreira is a ransomware-type virus identical to AiraCrop and related to Team XRat. This ransomware infiltrates the system and encrypts files using asymmetric cryptography. During encryption, NMoreira appends names of encrypted files with the ".maktub" extension (this is unrelated to Maktub ransomware).

Following successful encryption, NMoreira creates a text file ("Recupere seus arquivos. Leia-me!.txt") and places it on the desktop. The file contains a ransom-demand message. Redirect

What is is a fake Internet search engine identical to,,, and many others. Judging on appearance alone, may seem very similar to Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other legitimate search engines.

Therefore, users often believe that is also legitimate. In fact, developers promote it via deceptive software download/installation set-ups designed to modify web browser settings without users' consent. Furthermore, this site continually records information relating to Internet browsing activity.

This User Is Disabled Scam

What is "This User Is Disabled"?

"This User Is Disabled" is a fake error displayed by an adware-type application called Power Cam. It was first discovered by Lawrence Abrams. This adware infiltrates the system during installation of other (often free) software. Following successful infiltration, Power Cam locks the computer screen and displays an error message.

Research shows that adware-type applications are also likely to gather information relating to users' Internet browsing activity and display intrusive online advertisements.

Windows Session Console Weather Adware

What is Windows Session Console Weather?

Windows Session Console Weather is a deceptive application designed by SoftMedia and related to Linkury (a company responsible for the development of SafeFinder browser hijacker). This app infiltrates systems during installation of other (often free) software.

Furthermore, Windows Session Console Weather continually delivers intrusive online advertisements and gathers various information relating to users' Internet browsing activity. For these reasons, Windows Session Console Weather is categorized as adware and a potentially unwanted program (PUP).

Vindows Ransomware

What is Vindows?

Vindows is file-encryption ransomware discovered by Jakub Kroustek. Following infiltration, this malware encrypts various stored files and appends filenames with the ".vindows" extension (for instance, "sample.jpg" is renamed to "sample.jpg.vindows"). Vindows then opens a pop-up window containing a ransom-demand message. Redirect

What is

WebShields is a deceptive application that supposedly protects users' privacy during Internet browsing. These claims often trick users into believing that that WebShields is legitimate and useful, however, this app often infiltrates systems without consent.

Furthermore, WebShields stealthily modifies web browser settings and continually records information relating to Internet browsing activity. For these reasons, WebShields is categorized as a browser hijacker and a potentially unwanted program (PUP). Redirect

What is

Identical to, is a fake Internet search engine claiming to generate improved search results. On initial inspection, this site may seem legitimate and useful, however, it is promoted via rogue software downloaders/installers that hijack web browsers and stealthily modify various options.

Furthermore, continually tracks users' Internet browsing activity by gathering various user/system data.

Ads by SavingsCool

What is SavingsCool?

SavingsCool is an updated version of MySafeSavings adware. By claiming to save time and money while helping online, SavingsCool attempts to give the impression of legitimacy. Be aware, however, that this app often infiltrates systems without users' consent.

Furthermore, it displays intrusive online advertisements and gathers various information relating to Internet browsing activity. For these reasons, SavingsCool is categorized as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and adware.


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