Virus and Spyware Removal Guides, uninstall instructions

Ads X (Mac)

What is "Ads X"?

"Ads X" is a label of intrusive advertisements delivered by various adware-type applications and browser extensions. In most cases, these apps/add-ons infiltrate systems without permission, since most are proliferated using the "bundling" method. As well as delivering advertisements, adds/add-ons are also notorious for tracking information relating to browsing activity.

So I'm The Hacker Who Broke Your Email Scam

What is "So I'm the hacker who broke your email"?

"So I'm the hacker who broke your email" is a spam email campaign that cyber criminals use to threaten and swindle people out of their money.

These criminals claim that they have a humiliating video or photo of the victim and threaten to send it to all people in the recipient's contacts. Victims are generally urged to pay a ransom to prevent this situation. If you received this email (or similar), do not worry - it is just a scam.

Mac OS Support Alert POP-UP Scam (Mac)

What is "Mac OS Support Alert"?

Many users encounter the fake "Mac OS Support Alert" virus alert message when visiting deceptive, untrustworthy websites. People generally arrive at these websites inadvertently - they are redirected to them by potentially unwanted applications (PUAs) that are installed without direct user permission.

In addition to redirects to untrustworthy websites, PUAs record personal and browsing-related data, and deliver intrusive ads. Redirect

What is is a fake search engine that supposedly offers an enhanced browsing experience, more accurate results, and so on.

This site may seem legitimate, however, it is promoted using a browser hijacker called FP App, which is also categorized as a potentially unwanted application (PUA) that users often install unintentionally. Once installed, FP App makes changes to browser settings. Furthermore, and FP App gather data relating to browsing activity.

SYMMYWARE Ransomware


SYMMYWARE is a ransomware-type virus discovered by Cyber Security. After successful infiltration, SYMMYWARE encrypts most stored data and adds the ".SYMMYWARE" appendix to each filename (e.g., "sample.jpg" is renamed to "sample.jpg.SYMMYWARE").

Encrypted data instantly becomes unusable. Following successful encryption, SYMMYWARE generates a text file named "SYMMYWARE.TXT"  and places a copy in every existing folder. Redirect (Mac)

What is is a fake search engine that supposedly enhances the browsing experience by generating improved results. Judging on appearance alone, barely differs from Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other legitimate search engines, and thus many users believe that this site is also legitimate and useful.

In fact, developers promote using download/installation set-ups that modify browser options without permission. In addition, gathers information relating to web browsing activity. Redirect

What is is is another fake search engine that is promoted by a browser hijacker - in this case, the FP App browser hijacker. Generally, search engines and browser hijackers are promoted as 'useful tools' that provide an enhanced browsing experience and various other features.

In fact, the FP App browser hijacker is categorized as a potentially unwanted application (PUAs) and most people install it unintentionally. Furthermore, and FP App record information relating to users' browsing activity.

Maria Ransomware

What is Maria?

Maria is a high-risk ransomware-type virus discovered by MalwareHunterTeam. Maria is designed to encrypt files, thus rendering them unusable. 

The virus renames each encrypted file by adding the ".mariacbc" extension. For example, "sample.jpg" is renamed to "sample.jpg.mariacbc". Maria also opens a pop-up window and places the "ReadME-M@r1a.txt" text file in every folder that contains encrypted files. The pop-up and text file contain ransom-demand messages.

Spyware Were Found On Your Mac POP-UP Scam (Mac)

What is "Spyware were found on your Mac"?

"Spyware were found on your Mac" is a fake virus alert message that appears when visiting dubious/untrustworthy websites. People do not often visit these websites intentionally - they are redirected to them by potentially unwanted applications (PUAs) that infiltrate systems without permission, cause redirects to untrustworthy sites, deliver intrusive ads, and record user-system information. Redirect

What is

According to developers, is a high quality search engine that provides quick access to popular weather forecast websites. In fact, it is categorized as a fake search engine - is promoted using the Doppler Weather Radar app, which is a browser hijacker.

Browser hijackers are potentially unwanted applications (PUAs) that users often install unintentionally. Furthermore, the search engine and Doppler Weather Radar app record information relating to users' browsing habits (activity).


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